Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/837

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 744-AUG. 2, 1946 Payments. Repeal. Temporary services of experts, etc. 42 Stat. 1488 . 5U. .c. §C661- 674; Supp. V, § 661 et seQ. Ante, pp. 216 ,219. Ante, p. 809. 38 Stat. 508. Purchase, etc., of passenger vehicles. Aircraft. Restrictions. Purchase price of passenger vehicle. Maintenance, etc. " Official purpoe" Violatiam. award shall not exceed $1,000 and the total of cash awards paid during any fiscal year in any department shall not exceed $25,000. Payments may be made from the appropriation for the activity primarily bene- fiting or may be distributed among appropriations for activities benefit- ing as the head of the department determines. A cash award shall be in addition to the regular compensation of the recipient and the acceptance of such cash award shall constitute an agreement that the use by the United States of the suggestion for which the award is made shall not form the basis of a further claim of any nature upon the United States by him, his heirs or assigns. All other Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions of this section are hereby repealed. SEC. 15. The head of any department, when authorized in an appropriation or other Act, may procure the temporary (not in excess of one year) or intermittent services of experts or consultants or organizations thereof, including stenographic reporting services, by contract, and in such cases such service shall be without regard to the civil-service and classification laws (but as to agencies subject to the Classification Act at rates not in excess of the per diem equivalent of the highest rate payable under the Classification Act, unless other rates are specifically provided in the appropriation or other law) and, except in the case of stenographic reporting services by organi- zations, without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes, as amended by this Act. SEC. 16. (a) Section 5 of theAct of July 16, 1914 (5 U. S.C. 78), is amended to read as follows: "SEc. 5. (a) Unless specifically authorized by the appropriation concerned or other law, no appropriation shall be expended to pur- chase or hire passenger motor vehicles for any branch of the Gov- ernment other than those for the use of the President of the United States, the secretaries to the President, or the heads of the executive departments enumerated in 5 U. S. C. 1 . "(b) Excepting appropriations for the Military and Nayal Estab- lishments, no appropriation shall be available for the purchase, main- tenance, or operation of any aircraft unless specific authority for the purchase, maintenance, or operation thereof has been or is provided in such appropriation. "(c) Unless otherwise specifically provided no appropriation available for any department shall be expended- "(1) to purchase any passenger motor vehicle (exclusive of busses, ambulances, and station wagons), at a cost, completely equipped for operation, and including the value of any vehicle exchanged, in excess of the maximum price therefor, if any, established pursuant to law by a Government agency and in no event more than such amount as may be specified in an appro- priation or other Act, which shall be in addition to the amount required for transportation; "(2) for the maintenance, operation, and repair of any Gov- ernment-owned passenger motor vehicle or aircraft not used exclusively for official purposes; and 'official purposes' shall not include the transportation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places of employment, except in cases of medical officers on out-patient medical service and except in cases of officers and employees engaged in field work the char- acter of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the head of the department concerned. Any officer or employee of the Government who willfully uses or authorizes the use of any Government-owned passenger motor vehicle or aircraft, 810 [60 STAT.