Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/865

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838 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 753-AUG. 2 , 1946 [60 STAT. JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING SEC. 222. Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act Providing for the public printing and binding and the distribution of public documents", 44U. S.0 .1. approved January 12, 1895 (28 Stat. 601), is amended to read as follows: "That there shall be a Joint Committee on Printing, consisting of the chairman and two members of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the chairman and two members of the Committee on House Administration of the House of Represen- tatives, who shall have the powers hereinafter stated." JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY SEC. 223. The Joint Committee of Congress on the Library shall hereafter consist of the chairman and four members of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the chairman and four members of the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives. TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS SEC. 224 . The functions, powers, and duties imposed by statute, resolution, or rule of either House of Congress on the effective date of this section on a standing committee of the Senate or the House of Representatives (or the chairman thereof) are, insofar as they are consistent with this Act, hereby transferred to that standing committee created by this Act (or the chairman thereof) to which is transferred the legislative jurisdiction over the subject matter to NationaS Archives which such functions, powers, and duties relate; except that the chair- Council. man of the Committee on Civil Service of the Senate and the chair- man of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the House created by this Act shall be members of the National Archives Council. JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT SEC. 225. Section 5 (b) (3) (relating to the time for filing the report of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report) of the Ante, p .25. Employment Act of 1946 is amended by striking out "May 1" and inserting in lieu thereof "February 1". ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT SEC. 226. Section 3 (a) (relating to the time for filing the economic Ant, . 24. report of the president) of the Employment Act of 1946 is amended by striking out "within 60 days after the beginning of each regular session" and inserting in lieu thereof "at the beginning of each regular session". PART 3--PROVISIONS RELATING TO CAPITOL AND PAGES REMODELING OF CAUCUS ROOMS AND RESTAURANTS SEC. 241. The Architect of the Capitol is authorized and directed to prepare plans and submit them to Congress at the earliest prac- ticable date for the remodeling (a) of the caucus rooms in the Senate and House Office Buildings to provide improved acoustics and seating facilities and for the presentation of motion picture or other visual displays on matters of national interest; and (b) of the Senate and House Restaurants to provide for more convenient dining facilities.