Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/11

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Private Law 646 --- Philip Niekum, Jr. AN ACT To authorize the restoration of Philip Niekum, Junior, to the active list of the United States Navy with appropriate rank and restoration of pay and allow- ances---------------------------.-.--------.--.- 647 --- Marion ContractingCompany. AN ACT For the relief of Marion Contracting Company ----------- ___________-_______- 648 --- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rothenberger. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rothenberger -------- __________________ 649 --- William N. Therriault and Millicent Therriault, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of William N. Therriault and Milli- cent Therriault ----------------------- ___._____.__._ 650 --- Mrs. Mary M. Wolf. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Mary M. Wolf - - -. --- . ..-. ... .-. - 651 _ --William H. W. Komp. AN ACT For the relief of William H. W. Komp__._____________________________________________ 652 __ Robert J. Cramer. AN ACT For the relief of Robert J. Cramer_ 653 _ _ James J. Barrett, Jr. AN ACT For the relief of James J. Barrett, Junior--- - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - 654 -__ Elisabeth Jones Hansel. AN ACT For the relief of Elisabeth Jones Hansel -------- _____________________ -__ 655 __- Dr. John A. Logan. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor John A. Logan------------------------------.. __ __ _ __ _ .. _ __ _ 656 -- _ Cecil M. Foxworth, dependents. AN ACT For the relief of the dependents of Cecil M. Foxworth, deceased - - - 657 -_- Mary A. Wallis. AN ACT For the relief of Mary A. Wallis-- 658 ___ W. P . Richardson. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claim or claims of W. P. Richardson, as successor and as- signee of W. P . Richardson and Company, of Tampa, Florida--- 659 _- Mrs. Hortense Arnow and others. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida ------------------------..........-..- - 660 __- Zephyr Aircraft Corporation. AN ACT Conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims of the United States to consider and render judgment on the claim of the Zephyr Aircraft Corpora- tion against the United States---._ __ _ 661 ___ Earl D. Massey and others. AN ACT For the relief of Earl D. Massey, Marvin Marshall, and Fred C. Mitchell ------ 662 ___ John B. Clausen. AN ACT For the relief of John B. Clausen. _ 663 ___ R. H. White Transfer and Storage Company. AN ACT For the relief of R. H. White Transfer and Storage Company, of Nashville, Tennessee

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664 _-_ H. H. Hood. AN ACT For the relief of H. H. Hood ... ... 665 __- Ida F. Braunand others. AN ACT For the relief of Ida F. Braun, Alice Braun Menges, and Carl J. Braun, individually and as executors of the estate of Hedwig W. Braun, deceased, and as legatees and beneficiaries of the will of Hledwig W. Braun, de- ceased, and as the sole parties in interest by succession under the last will and testament of Hledwig W. Braun, deceased, and under the last will and testament of Herman W. Braun, de- ceased---------- 666 -__ William W. Willett, Jr. AN ACT For the relief of William W. Willett, Junior.. .. 667 __ D. C. Todd. AN ACT For the relief of D. C. Todd ------- 668 _-- Juan Calcafio. AN ACT For the relief of Juan Calcafio --- 669 -- Walter A. Moffatt. AN ACT For the relief of Walter A. Moffatt_ 670 --- Mrs. Mary Belk. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Mary Belk__ 671 --- Mrs. Hattie Main Babcock and others. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Hattie Main Babcock, Chester N. Main, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norman .....- ___ _- -- - 672 _ -- Jose Villafafe Muioz. AN ACT For the relief of Jose Villafafie Mufioz ---------------------------- . -_____ ___ 673 _ - FranciscaSdnchez Figueroa, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of the late Francisca Sanchez Figueroa.------ -- --- 674 __- Carl and Naomi Fitzwater. AN ACT For the relief of Carl and Naomi Fitzwater -------------- 675 --- William E. Robertson and Estelle Robertson. AN ACT For the re- lief of William E. Robertson and Estelle Robertson -. -- -- 676 --- William H. Roman. AN ACT For the relief of William H. Roman ---------------------------------------- 677 - - - Oran Edmund Randall Rumrill. AN ACT For the relief of Oran Edmund Randall Rumrill-... 678 -_- Patsy Ann Maheux, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Patsy Ann Maheux, deceased-- ......... ______- - -- Date Page June 13,1946. _ _ 1222 June 13, 1946_ - - 1222 June 13, 1946__ 1223 June 13, 1946__- 1223 June 13,1946___ 1223 June 14, 1946___ 1224 June 14, 1946- _- 1224 June 14,1946___ 1225 June 14, 1946___ 1225 June 14, 1946___ 1225 June 14, 1946_ 1226 June 14, 1946___ 1226 June 15, 1946-_- 1227 June 15, 1946__- 1227 June 15, 1946-_- 1227 June 15, 1946__ 1228 June 15, 1946___ 1228 June 18, 1946___ 1229 June 18, 1946___ 1229 June 19,1946- - 1230 June 21, 1946-- June 21, 1946___ June 21. 1946___ June 21, 1946 -_ June 21,1946_ 1230 1231 1231 1231 1232 June 21, 1946- _- 1232 June 21, 1946.__ 1233 June 21,1946___ 1233 June 21, 1946 -- 1233 June 21, 1946 .-.1234 June 21, 1946- - 1234 June 21, 1946___ 1235 June 21, 1946- _- 1235