Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/412

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60 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-AIR SERVICES-FEB . 11 , 1946 intended solely for use by the aircraft of such carrier shall be accorded, with respect to customs duties, inspection fees or other charges im- posed by the former Contracting Party, treatment not less favourable than that granted to national air carriers engaged in international air services or such carriers of the most favoured nation. (3) Supplies of fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts, regular equipment and aircraft stores retained on board aircraft of a designated air carrier of one Contracting Party shall be exempt in the territory of the other Contracting Party from customs duties, inspection fees or similar duties or charges, even though such supplies be used by such aircraft on flights within that territory. ARTICLE 4 Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licenses issued or rendered valid by one Contracting Party and still in force shall be recognised as valid by the other Contracting Party for the purpose of operation of the agreed services. Each Contracting Party reserves the right, however, to refuse to recognise for the purpose of flight above its own territory, certificates of competency and licenses granted to its own nationals by another state. ARTICLE 5 (1) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to entry into or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in inter- national air navigation or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft while within its territory shall apply to aircraft of the desig- nated air carrier or carriers of the other Contracting Party. (2) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the entry into or departure from its territory of passengers, crew, or cargo of aircraft (such as regulations relating to entry, clearance, im- migration, passports, customs and quarantine) shall be applicable to the passengers, crew or cargo of the aircraft of the designated air carrier or carriers of the other Contracting Party while in the territory of the first Contracting Party. 1501 Certificates of air- worthiness, etc. Laws and regula- tions. ARTICLE 6 Each Contracting Party reserves the right to withhold or revoke eWation o origh.ts the exercise of the rights specified in the Annex to this Agreement by a carrier designated by the other Contracting Party in the event that it is not satisfied that substantial ownership and effective control of such carrier are vested in nationals of either Contracting Party, or in case of failure by that carrier to comply with the laws and regulations referred to in Article 5 hereof, or otherwise to fulfil the conditions under which the rights are granted in accordance with this Agreement and its Annex. ARTICLE 7 This Agreement shall be registered with the Provisional Interna- ment f Aree tional Civil Aviation Organisation set up by the Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on December 7, 59s. 1944.