Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/417

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1506 Advisory report. Rates to be fixed at reasonable levels. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. (g) When in any case under paragraphs (e) and (f) above the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties cannot agree within a reasonable time upon the appropriate rate after consultation initiated by the complaint of one Contracting Party concerning the proposed rate or an existing rate of the air carrier or carriers of the other Contracting Party, upon the request of either, both Contracting Parties shall submit the question to the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organisation or to its successor for an advisory report, and each Party will use its best efforts under the powers available to it to put into effect the opinion expressed in such report. (h) The rates to be agreed in accordance with the above paragraphs shall be fixed at reasonable levels, due regard being paid to all relevant factors, such as cost of operation, reasonable profit and the rates charged by any other air carriers. (j) The Executive Branch of the Government of the United States agrees to use its best efforts to secure legislation empowering the aeronautical authorities of the United States to fix fair and economic rates for the transport of persons and property by air on international services and to suspend proposed rates in a manner comparable to that in which the Civil Aeronautics Board at present is empowered to act with respect to such rates for the transport of persons and property by air within the United States.