Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/438

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60 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT-MAR. 27,1946 I AGREEMENT ON LEND-LEASE AND RECIPROCAL AID PIPE- LINES AND OFFSETTING ARRANGEMENT In accordance with their JOINT STATEMENT REGARDING SETTLE- MENT FOR LEND-LEASE, RECIPROCAL AID, SURPLUS WAR PROPERTY AND CLAIMS, dated December 6, 1945, the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom have reached agreement as set forth below regarding settlement for articles and services fur- nished after September 1, 1945 to either Government through lend- lease and reciprocal aid channels and regarding other matters covered by the offsetting arrangement described in paragraph 3 (a) of the Joint Statement. In general this agreement covers certain articles and services which were intended for supply through mutual aid channels but which, on September 2, 1945, had not been made avail- able to the recipient Government. A. PROVISION OF CERTAIN MILITARY AND NAVAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES AS BETWEEN ARMED FORCES 1. Straight mutual aid between the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom was terminated generally on September 2, 1945, with certain exceptions (which include the provi- sion of military and naval supplies and services referred to in para- graph 2 of this section). 2. In accordance with standing directives, the United States War and Navy Departments have had discretion, in the period after September 2, 1945, to continue to make supplies and services avail- able to the United Kingdom Armed Forces on a straight lend-lease basis in certain specified circumstances. Similarly United Kingdom military and air commanders in the areas under the South East Asia Command and under the United States Army Forces in the Pacific Theatre, and United Kingdom naval commanders in all theatres, have had discretion to make supplies and services available to United States Armed Forces on a straight reciprocal aid basis in similar circumstances. Supplies and services furnished on the above basis are excepted from the arrangements outlined below. 3. It has been agreed that accounts will be rendered in due course for supplies and services (other than any furnished on a straight lend- lease or reciprocal aid basis) furnished by the United States and United Kingdom Armed Forces to each other during the period from Sep- tember 2, 1945 to December 31, 1945, inclusive, and that such accounts will be settled under the offsetting arrangement referred to in section E of this Agreement. Any such supplies and services furnished after December 31, 1945 (other than any furnished on a straight lend- lease or reciprocal aid basis or covered under section B of this Agree- ment) will be for cash settlement between the two Governments. Petroleum products designated for withdrawal by either Govern- ment from its share of stocks held by the other Government under the Agreement relating to Petroleum concluded this day (No. VI) are not covered by this paragraph. 1527 Post, p. 1564. Accounts. Petroleumproduet. Pos, p. 17.