Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/471

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1560 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. 2, 1945, or thereafter were or may be diverted to such use, shall be governed by the following principles: (a) Installations under the direct or indirect control of the Government of the United Kingdom continued in operation pending disposal shall be operated without discrimination against the nationals, corporations or associations of the United States and of the United Kingdom. (b) In cases where both Governments have contributed to the cost of an installation or where one Government is in control of an installation to the cost of which the other has contributed, disposal shall be by mutual agreement, and the two Governments will co-operate with the object of securing appropriate non- discriminatory treatment for the nationals, corporations, or associations of both countries in connection with the subsequent use of such facilities. The proceeds of any agreed sale shall be divided between the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom in accordance with their relative contributions (including lend-lease, reciprocal aid and other contributions by either Government) to the cost of the facility as agreed by them, or in such other manner as may be mutually agreed. 4. The use and disposition of any installations located in British Colonial Dependencies in which a reciprocal aid interest exists and which were on September 2, 1945, under the control of the United States Armed Forces shall be governed by the principles set out in paragraph 3 hereof. 5. It is hereby reaffirmed that the Government of the United States has full title to any lend-lease interest in installations located in the United States, its territories or possessions, and that the Government of the United Kingdom has full title to any reciprocal aid interest in installations located in the United Kingdom or British Colonial Dependencies.