Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/507

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. proved the traffic conference ma- chinery of the International Air Transport Association (hereinafter called "IATA"), for a period of one year beginning in February 1946, any rate agreements con- cluded through this machinery during this period and involving United States air carriers will be subject to approval by the Board. d) Any rate proposed by the air carrier or carriers of either Contracting Party shall be filled with the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties at least thirty days before the pro- posed date of introduction; pro- vided that this period of thirty days may be reduced in particular cases if so agreed by the aeronau- tical authorities of both Contract- ing Parties. e) The Contracting Parties agree that the procedure described in paragraphs f, g and h of this Sec- tion shall apply: 1°) if during the period of the Civil Aeronautics Board's approval of the "IATA" traffic conference machinery, either any specific rate agreement is not approved within a reasonable time by either Con- tracting Party or a conference of "IATA" is unable to agree on a rate, or 2°) at any time no "IATA" ma- chinery is applicable, or 3°) if either Contracting Party at any time withdraws or fails to renew its approval of that part of the "IATA" traffic conference ma- chinery relevant to this Section. pour la periode d'une annee com- mengant en f6vrier 1946 la pro- cedure des Conferences de trafic de l'Association Internationale des Transports Aeriens (ci-apres d& nommee I. A. T. A.), tous accords de tarifs conclus selon cette pro- cedure pendant ladite periode et interessant des entreprises des Etats-Unis seront soumis A l'ap- probation dudit "Civil Aeronau- tics Board". d) Tout tarif propose par l'en- treprise ou les entreprises de chacune des Parties Contractantes devra 8tre soumis aux autorites aeronautiques des deux Parties Contractantes trente jours au moins avant la date pr6vue pour sa mise en application. Cette periode de trente jours pourra 8tre r6duite dans des cas particuliers si les Autorites aeronautiques des deux Parties Contractantes en con- viennent d'un commun accord. e) Les Parties Contractantes conviennent que la procedure pr- vue aux paragraphes f, g et h de la presente Section sera applicable: 1°) lorsque, pendant la periode durant laquelle le "Civil Aeronau- tics Board" approuve la procedure des conferences de trafic de 'I. A. T. A., un accord de tarifs donne n'est pas approuv6 dans un delai raisonnable par l'une ou l'autre des Parties Contractantes, ou bien lorsqu'une conference de l'I. A. T. A. n'a pu etablir un tarif, ou 2°) lorsque, A toute epoque, aucune procedure de 'I.A .T.A. n'est applicable, ou 3°) lorsque, A toute epoque, l'une ou l'autre des Parties Con- tractantes retire ou s'abstient de renouveler son approbation A la partie de la procedure des con- ferences de trafic de I'I.A.T.A. concernant la presente section. Proposed rates.