Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/694

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60 STAT.] YEMEN-FRIENDSHIP AND COMMERCE-MAY 4, 1946 where consular officers are permitted by the applicable laws to reside; they shall enjoy the honorary privileges and the immunities accorded to officers of their rank by general international usage; and they shall not, in any event, be treated in a manner less favorable than similar officers of any third country. ARTICLE III Subjects of His Majesty the King of the Yemen in the United States of America and nationals of the United States of America in the Kingdom of the Yemen shall be received and treated in accordance with the requirements and practices of generally recognized inter- national law. In respect of their persons, possessions and rights, such subjects or nationals shall enjoy the fullest protection of the laws and authorities of the country, and shall not be treated in any manner less favorable than the nationals of any third country. Subjects of His Majesty in the United States of America and nationals of the United States of America in the Kingdom of the Yemen shall be subject to the local laws and regulations, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges accorded in this third Article. ARTICLE IV 1783 Rights and privi- leges of subjects or nationals. In all matters relating to customs duties and charges of any kind Customsduties,etc. imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or otherwise affecting commerce and navigation, to the method of levying such duties and charges, to all rules and formalities in con- nection with importation or exportation, and to transit, warehousing and other facilities, each Party shall accord unconditional and un- restricted most-favored-nation treatment to articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other Party, from whatever place arriving, or to articles destined for exportation to the territories of such other Party, by whatever route. Any advantage, favor, privilege or immunity with respect to any duty, charge or regulation affecting commerce or navigation now or hereafter accorded by the United States of America or by the Kingdom of the Yemen to any third country will be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the commerce and navigation of the Kingdom of the Yemen and of the United States of America, respectively. The advantages relating to Exception. customs duties now or hereafter accorded by the United States of America to the Republic of Cuba shall be excepted from the provi- sions of this agreement. ARTICLE V There shall be excepted from the provisions of Article IV of this Exception to agee ment. Agreement advantages now or hereafter accorded: by virtue of a customs union of which either Party may become a member; to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic; and by the United States of America or its territories or possessions to one another or to the Panama Canal Zone. The last clause shall continue to apply in respect of any advantages now or hereafter accorded by the United States of America or its