Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/814

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60 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-MOSCOW AGREEMENT, 1945-DEC. 27, 1945 United Kingdom and the United States prior to final decision by the two Governments represented on the Joint Commission. 3. It shall be the task of the Joint Commission, with the participa- tion of the provisional Korean democratic government and of the Korean democratic organizations to work out measures also for help- ing and assisting (trusteeship) the political, economic and social prog- ress of the Korean people, the development of democratic self-govern- ment and the establishment of the national independence of Korea. The proposals of the Joint Commission shall be submitted, following consultation with the provisional Korean Government for the joint consideration of the Governments of the United States, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom and China for the work- ing out of an agreement concerning a four-power trusteeship of Korea for a period of up to five years. 4. For the consideration of urgent problems affecting both south- ern and northern Korea and for the elaboration of measures establish- ing permanent coordination in administrative-economic matters be- tween the United States command in southern Korea and the Soviet command in northern Korea, a conference of the representatives of the United States and Soviet commands in Korea shall be convened within a period of two weeks. IV. China The three Foreign Secretaries exchanged views with regard to the situation in China. They were in agreement as to the need for a unified and democratic China under the National Government, for broad participation by democratic elements in all branches of the National Government, and for a cessation of civil strife. They reaffirmed their adherence to the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of China. Mr. Molotov and Mr. Byrnes had several conversations concerning Soviet and American armed forces in China. Mr. Molotov stated that the Soviet forces had disarmed and de- ported Japanese troops in Manchuria but that withdrawal of Soviet forces had been postponed until February 1st at the request of the Chinese Government. Mr. Byrnes pointed out that American forces were in north China at the request of the Chinese Government, and referred also to the primary responsibility of the United States in the implementation of the Terms of Surrender with respect to the disarming and deportation of Japanese troops. He stated that American forces would be with- drawn just as soon as this responsibility was discharged or the Chi- nese Government was in a position to discharge the responsibility with- out the assistance of American forces. The two Foreign Secretaries were in complete accord as to the de- sirability of withdrawal of Soviet and American forces from China at the earliest practicable moment consistent with the discharge of their obligations and responsibilities 1905 Four-power trustee- ship of Korea. Conference of repre- sentatives of U. S . and Soviet commands in Korea.