Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/863

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INDEX Coal Organization, European, agreement respecting ------. . ______..-___.__ Coconut Oil and Copra, Certain, suspen- sion of processing tax on, proclamation- Coffee Agreement, Inter-American, modi- fication and extension ---- ... .- . ... Cohen, Harry, payment to -..---.-.-- _ Cold Spring, Minn., payment to village of Collins, Miss Mary Agatha, payment to__ Colombia: International agreements other than treaties- Chapultepec, Act of-- ---_----- __ Inter-American system ---- _ _ - -- -- _ International Monetary Fund ----- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, constitution ----- Treaty respecting Inter-American Coffee Agreement, modification and exten- sion -------------- _-_------. Columbia River Maritime Control Area, discontinuance, proclamation ------ Comeaux, Mrs. Lionel, payment to------ Commercial Relations: Agreements with- Chile --------------------------- Greece -------------------------- Concurrent Resolutions: Armed forces, members of, and depend- ents, manual explanatory of privi- leges, etc., printing as House docu- ment -------------------------- Bermuda Branch of Empire Parliamen- tary Association, acceptance of invi- tation to meeting; appointment of delegations; expenses ----------- Biographical Directory of the American Congress, compilation and printing of revised edition as House docu- ment ------------------------- Congress- Adjournment, House of Representa- tives ------------------------ Adjournment sine die ------------- Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after adjournment ---------------- Joint meetings of two Houses------ Organization of, printing of addi- tional copies of joint committee hearings - ---

Interstate Commerce Act, amendment, printing of additional copies of Sen- ate hearings-----,-------------- "Laws Relating to the Physically Handi- capped," printing of handbook as House document--------------- Mineral Leasing Act, amendment, cor- rection in enrollment of bill------- Page 1517 1349 1359 1146 1136 1217 1831 1847 1401 1886 1359 1347 1133 1713 1483 1330 1326 1330 1327 1331 1331 1327 1325 1327 1329 1330 1955 Concurrent Resolutions-Continued. Page Pearl Harbor Attack, Joint Congres- sional Committee on Investigation of- Expenditures, increase of limit_- 1326, 1328 Hearings, printing of additional copies_ 1325 Report- Printing of additional copies ------ 1329 Time extension for submission; ex- tension of powers and func- tions of committee--- ------ 1325, 1327, 1328, 1329 Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1946, reso- lution respecting ------------- _ - 1329 Roosevelt, Franklin D., commemorative exercises- Address by Hon. John G. Winant, etc., printing of-------------- 1329 Arrangements for -------- _--_ ---- 1327 Social security, printing of additional copies of House report----------- 1325 War trophies and devices, distribution, enrolled bill governing, return re- quested; signing rescinded; correc- tion in reenrollment------------ _ 1328 Wool, investigation of production, etc., printing of additional copies of Senate hearings----------------- 1326 Condon, Mrs. Alice, payment to-------- 1137 Congress: Adjournment, House of Representatives 1327 Adjournment sine die _-- -- -- -- -- -- -_ 1331 Armed forces of the United States, mem- bers of, thanks to--------------- 1134 Bermuda Branch of Empire Parliamen- tary Association, acceptance by Sen- ate and House of Representatives of invitation to meeting; appoint- ment of delegations; expenses - - 1326 Biographical Directory, compilation and printing of revised edition as House document---------------------_ 1330 Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after ad- journment ------------------ - 1331 Joint meetings- Commemorative exercises for late President Franklin D. Roosevelt_ 1327 Receipt of communications from President ------------------- 1327 King, Ernest Joseph (Fleet Admiral), thanks to; provision for presenta- tion of medal, etc., to------------ 1134 Marshall, George Catlett (General of the Army), thanks to; provision for presentation of medal, etc., to --- 1134 Organization of, printing of additional copies of joint committee hearings- 1325 Constant, S. V . (Col.), credit in accounts- _ 1311