Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/10

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 109 --- Mancos Water Conservancy District, contract. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contract with the Mancos Water Conservancy District increasing the reimburs- able construction cost obligation of the district to the United States for construction of the Mancos project and extending the repayment period-------------------------------- 110 --- Forest Pest Control Act. AN ACT To provide for the protection of forests against destructive insects and diseases, and for other purposes

111 --- FirstInfantry Division, World War II, memorial in D. C. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the erection on public grounds in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, of a memorial to the dead of the First Infantry Division, United States Forces, World War II---------------------------------- 112 -- _ Revenue Act, 1942, and Internal Revenue Code, amendments. JOINT RESOLUTION To extend the time for the release, free of estate and gift tax, of certain powers, and for other purposes

113 --- InternalRevenue Code, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code in respect of distributions by personal holding companies __---

114 _ --Metropolitan Police force, D. C. AN ACT To authorize pay- ment of allowances to three inspectors of the Metropolitan Police force for the use of their privately owned motor ve- hicles, and for other purposes -. --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- - 115 --- Vocational rehabilitation. AN ACT To amend paragraph 8 of part VII, Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a), as amended, to authorize an appropriation of $3,000,000 as a revolving fund in lieu of $1,500,000 now authorized, and for other pur- poses----------------------------------------------- 116 --- Public Debt Act, 1941, amendment. AN ACT To amend further section 4 of the Public Debt Act of 1941, as amended, and clarify its application, and for other purposes ------------- 117 --- Paonia project, Colo. AN ACT To authorize the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Paonia Federal reclama- tion project, Colorado------------------------------- 118 -- Falls Church, Va., delivery of water. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to permit the delivery of water from the Dis- trict of Columbia and Arlington County water systems to the Falls Church or other water systems in the metropolitan area of the District of Columbia in Virginia------------------- 119 --- Ferry Crosline, American registry. AN ACT To admit the American-owned ferry Crosline to American registry and to permit its use in coastwise trade ----------------------- 120--- National Housing Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 2 (a) of the National Housing Act, as amended ------------ 121 --- Boulder Canyon project, Calif. AN ACT To declare the policy of the United States with respect to the allocation of costs of construction of the Coachella Division of the All-American Canal irrigation project, California----------------- 122 --- Second Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1947. AN ACT Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, and for other purposes ----------------------------------- 123 --- Day nurseries, D. C. AN ACT To continue a system of nurseries and nursery schools for the day care of school-age and under- school-age children in the District of Columbia through June 30, 1948, and for other purposes ------------------------ 124 -_- Navajo Tribe of Indians, agreements. AN ACT Authorizing certain agreements with respect to rights in helium-bearing gas lands in the Navajo Indian Reservation, New Mexico, and for other purposes ___-_- -- -- -

125 __- Tin. JOINT RESOLUTION To strengthen the common de- fense and to meet industrial needs for tin by providing for the the maintenance of a domestic tin-smelting industry ---. .. . 126 -_ _ Alien fiancees or fiances, admission into U. S . AN ACT To extend the period of validity of the Act to facilitate the ad- mission into the United States of the alien fiancees or fiances of members of the armed forces of the United States-------- 127 --- U . S . Maritime Commission, temporary authority. AN ACT To continue temporary authority of the Maritime Commission until March 1, 1948------------------------------------ Date June 25, 1947___ June 25, 1947__- June 25, 1947__ - June 25, 1947___ June 25, 1947- _- June 25,1947_-- June 25,1947- _ _ June 25,1947_- - June 25,1947--- June 26,1947--- June 26, 1947- _- June 26,1947--- June 26, 1947--- June 27,1947--- June 27,1947___ June 27,1947-__ June 28, 1947___ June 28,1947_- - Page 176 177 178 178 179 179 180 180 181 181 182 182 183 183 188 189 190 190 June 28, 1947_- - 190 xi