Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1006

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Claims-Continued Page Panama Canal, appropriation for------ 691 Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947. See sepa- rate title. Post Office Department- Adjustment of claims of postmasters, and Navy, Coast Guard, and Army mail clerks, date of termi- nation of war in interpretation of provisions of Act of Dec. 7, 1945_ 453 Appropriation for -------------- 111, 229 Public accounts, time limitation on claims and demands, date of termi- nation of war in interpretation of provisions of Act of Oct. 9, 1940- - 454 Public Roads Administration, appro- priation for payment ----------- 61 Settlement of Mexican Claims Act of 1942, amendment, jurisdiction of Commission, claims decided by General Claims Commission in which U. S . filed petition for re- hearing ----------- _- -- -- -- -- -- 24 State, Department of, appropriation for ------------------- .- - -. - -- 77 Switzerland, Government of, payment to----------------------------- 11 Treasury Department, appropriation for ------------- --- 77,216, 218, 625 Veterans' organizations, presentation of claims to Veterans' Administration, retired members of armed forces as representatives ----------------- 716 War Department- Appropriation for ----------------- 70, 552, 555, 560, 624, 626 Appropriation rescission------------ 573 Appropriations available for-------- 694 Claims, Court of. See under United States Courts. Claims Commission, Indian, appropria- tion for _ .- ---------.

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61,616 Clarke-McNary Act of June 7, 1924, sup- pression of forest fires, repeal of pro- vision for cooperation without match- ing of funds---------------------- 449 Clarksburg, W. Va., acquisition by Veter- ans' Administration of site for facility at ------------------------------ 677 Classification Act of 1923, student-employ- ees of hospitals, etc., exemption from coverage------------------------- 727 Clay, Ball, Sagger, and China, income-tax percentage depletion ------------ 919, 920 Clay, Common, on Public Lands, authority for disposal by Secretary of the In- terior------------------------- 681 Clayton Act: Inapplicability to regulation of insur- ance. time extension------------ 448 Clayton Act-Continued Page Jurisdiction of district courts with re- spect to suits by and against labor organizations -----. ----------- _ 158 Clerks of Courts: Restriction on use of funds for maintain- ing offices at designated places- .. 304 Salaries, appropriation for ---------- 27, 304 Cleveland, Ohio: Appropriation for facilities, etc., under supervision of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics -- __ _. 599 Marine Band, attendance at parade of Veterans of Foreign Wars, author- ized ------- --- __-----__ _---_- 632 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., acquisi- tion of lands for, appropriation for___ 539 Coal: Anthracite investigations, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 480 Anthracite Research Laboratory- Appropriation for construction and equipment ------------------ _ 480 Appropriation rescission ---------- _ 492 Choctaw-Chickasaw Nations, leases, etc., of deposits; sale- ------------ 686 Deposits, investigations, appropriation for--------------- ----- __

481 Mines- Income-tax percentage depletion- _ _ 919, 920 Inspections and investigations- Funds for --------------- 116, 479, 699 Safety standards, nonobservance, notification of owner, recom- mendations; reports respect- ing-----.------------------ 725 Mining of, on lands acquired by United States-----. -- -- -- --- -- -- --- -- 913 Synthetic liquid fuels, production of___ 480 Coal Mines Administration. See under Interior, Department of the. Coast and Geodetic Survey: Agreements, cooperative, for surveys, investigations, etc --------------- 788 Appropriation for ---------------- 110, 298 Appropriations authorized for construc- tion, etc., of facilities------------ 788 Bombers or fathometer readers, extra compensation to members of crews of vessels assigned as---------- 298, 400 Cartographic methods, etc., develop- mental work for improvement, au- thorized ---------------------- 788 Commissioned officers, pay, etc., appro- priation for ------------------ 110, 298 Contracts for performance of functions, authority --------------------- 788 Dependents and household effects, trans- portation --------------------- _ 236 Functions and duties, definition of----- 787 INDEX XXV - - --