Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1010

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INDEX Colorado River Development Fund, appro- Page priation for; limitation ---------- 476, 477 Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz., irrigation projects, appropriation for- 467 Colorado River Protection Works, appro- priation for --------------------- 477 Columbia Basin Project, Wash., appropria- tion for --------------- 116, 474, 475, 944 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, funds for --------------------------- 72, 265 Columbus, Miss., appropriation for ground rent, Federal building ------------- 593 Colville Indians, Wash., appropriation for industrial assistance --------------- 470 Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: Appropriation for------------------ 552 Appropriation rescission-------------- 572 Commerce, Department of: Allocation and inventory control of scarce commodities, funds available for carrying out legislation respect- ing; report to Congress ---------- 943 Allocations of materials, etc., certified by Secretary as necessary to meet international commitments, time limitation--------------------- 34 Appropriation Act, 1948-------------- 294 Assistant Secretaries- Additional, assignment of---------- 326 Duties, authority of Secretary to pre- scribe------------------------ 327 Census, Bureau of the- Appropriation for ----------------- 291 Reduction------------------- 2( Evidence of age, procedure for fur- nishing __-------------------- 291 Fats and oils, etc., collection and pub- lication of statistics authorized - 457 Collection of statistics by other Federal departments or agen- cies, restriction; access to - - - 451 Personal services, funds available for; transfer of funds -------------- 291 Religious denominations, etc., certain, exemption from supplying of in- formation regarding member- ship----------------------- 16: Charleston, S. C., conveyance, date of termination of state of war, etc., in interpretation of Act of May 27, 1936-------------------------- 45 Civil Aeronautics Administration. See separatetitle. Civil Aeronautics Board. See separate title. Civilian Production Administration. See separate title. Claims, appropriations available for payment--------------------- 30 Commerce, Department of-Continued Coast and Geodetic Survey. See sepa- rate title. Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. See separate title. Exports. See separatetitle. Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bu- Page reau of- Funds for ----------------------- 66, 75,299, 618, 619, 698, 699 Virgin Islands, study of economic con- ditions, funds available -------- 299 Geographic Names, Board on, represen- tation on, etc------------------- 456 Health programs, appropriations avail- able for ------------------- 301 Inland Waterways Corporation. See separate title. Judgments, appropriation for payment- 78 Meetings, attendance at certain, appro- priations available for _---------- 302 National Bureau of Standards- Appropriation for ---------------- 299 Reductions ----------------- - 19, 21 Transfers of funds ------------ 75, 221 Betatron and auxiliary equipment, ap- propriation for purchase and in- stallation ------------------- 300 Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating _---------------- ----- 306 Patent Office- Funds for -------------------- - 75,299 Nationals of former enemy countries, extension of certain rights to---- 794 Patents, priority rights, and payment of fees, time extension; reciprocity provision ---. --- ---. ----- ------ - 413 Penalty mail costs, funds for_ 295, 618, 619, 620 Price Administration, Office of. See separate title. Printing and binding, funds for ------ 294, 295, 297, 299, 618, 619, 698, 699 Reductions in appropriations --------- 19, 20 Reports to Congress- Alaska, subsistence supplies for resale, expenditures and proceeds ----- 301 Obligations incurred with respect to export controls, voluntary agree- ments for control of scarce com- modities, etc ----------------- 943 Second War Powers Act and provi- sions relating to export control of certain commodities, administra- tion, recommendations, etc----- 324 Reproductions of scientific or technical reports, etc., sale, deposit of receipts- 295 Rubber, controls over production, use, etc., appropriation for administra- tion of provisions relating to------ 618 XXIX