Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1014

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INDEX Congress- Continued Reports- Continued National Labor Relations Board, ac- tivities, employees, disburse- ments, etc--------------- . -- - National Munitions Control Board, date of termination of war in in- terpretation of Act of Jan. 26, 1942, respecting omission, etc., of certain reports--------------- Navy Department- Leases, certain ----------------- Naval postgraduate school, civilian teaching staff ------------ Professional and scientific service, establishment of positions, ap- pointments in, etc----------- Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission, conservation, etc ------------- Philadelphia National Shrines Park Commission, establishment, etc., of park, time extension for sub- mittal--------------------- Philippine Alien Property Adminis- tration, expenses in connection with activities--------------- Post Office Department, overtime work and payments ---------- President of United States- Critical shortages, recommenda- tions---------------------- Expenditures and activities in con- nection with relief assistance to countries devastated by war-- Foreign Aid Act of 1947, operations under---------------------- Greek-Turkish aid------------- Strikes affecting national interest, proceedings, etc., respecting - Puerto Rico, Coordinator of Federal Agencies in, administration of Federal civilian functions and ac- tivities in Puerto Rico-------- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, maintenance of domestic tin- smelting industry, etc., activities respecting-------------------- Treasury Department-- Internal-revenue collections, re- funds in excess of $500------- Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion, liquidation, etc--------- War Department- Leases, certain----------------- Professional and scientific service, establishment of positions, ap- pointments in, etc---------- Rivers and harbors and flood con- trol, employment of personnel_ Scrap or salvage material, sale, re- ceipts and disbursements----- 95347°-48--pt. 1-63 Page 139 452 774 706 715 422 8 587 233 947 128 939 105 156 772 19( 22( 20( 774 715 68E 562 Congress-Continued Page Resolutions, formalities of enactment; repeals, etc--------------------- 634 Rubber, study and investigation of means of maintaining domestic in- dustry------------------------ 25 Three Affiliated Tribes, Fort Berthold Reservation, N. Dak., contract for conveyance, etc., submittal to Con- gress ------------------------- 690 Tin, maintenance of domestic smelting industry, etc., study and report__ - 190 United States Code and supplements, distribution of copies to; limitation_ 640 Congresses of Navigation, Permanent In- ternational Commission of, appropria- tion for------------------------ 689 Congressional Aviation Policy Board, Tem- porary: Appropriation authorized------------ 677 Appropriation for------------------- 611 Establishment, composition, duties, au- thority, etc ------------------- 677 Report to Congress------------------ 677 Congressional Cemetery, D. C., appropria- tion for maintenance of portion owned by United States------------------ 686 Congressional Directory, appropriation for compilation, etc ------------------ 363 Congressional Library. Se Library of Congress. Congressional Record: Indexes, appropriation for preparation of--------------------------- 375 Publication of designated information of House committees in---------- 368 Connecticut, New England Interstate Wa- ter Pollution Control Compact, con- sent and approval of Congress ------- 682 Constitution of the United States: Amendments, proposed or ratified, pub- lication in Statutes at Large------ 636 President, terms of office, proposed amendment--------------------- 959 Constitution of the United States of Ameri- ca, Annotated, preparation of revised edition ------------------------- 133 Consumer Credit Controls, termination date; provision for emergency exer- cise ---------------------------- 921 Continental Oil Company and Santa Fe Corporation, agreements with Depart- ment of Interior respecting certain lands, authorized ----------------- 189 Contingent Expenses: Appropriation for- Army ----------------------- - 551 Appropriation rescission ---------- 572 House of Representatives ---------- 27, 58, 106, 183, 366, 611, 696 Interior. Department of the-------- 461 XXXIII