Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1034

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INDEX Federal Security Agency-Continued Freedmen's Hospital-Continued Payment to appropriations and Page transfers of funds, certain, to Howard University, authorized-- 60 Student nurses, transfer of funds for items furnished under training program--------------------- 270 Transfer of funds for--------------- 72 Transfer of funds from ----------- 60 General Counsel, Office of, transfer of funds ------------------------ 73 Grants to States. See under Social Security Administration. Health service programs, appropriation for--------------------------- 274 Howard University- Funds for --------------- 60,72,266,615 Payments to appropriations and transfer of funds, certain, from Freedmen's Hospital, authorized- 60 Judgments, appropriation for pay- ment-------------------------- 78 National Youth Administration, appro- priation for liquidation expenses--- 275 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating ---------------------- 278 Pay costs, increased, increase in limita- tion; transfers between appropria- tions---_ --- ---- --- --- --- --- -- 72 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for- _ - 275 Personnel Management, Division of, transfer of funds --------------- 73 Printing and binding, appropriation for ----------------------- 108, 275 Public Health Service. See separate title. Reorganization plans, effectuating, transfer of funds authorized ------ 27( St. Elizabeths Hospital, D. C. See sepa- rate title. Service Operations, Division of, transfer of funds ---------------------- 73 Social Security Administration. See separate title. Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc --------- ------- 27 Travel expenses, appropriation for--- 108, 275 Veterans Administration, transfer of funds from -------------------- 60' Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of, funds for-------------- 60, 72, 184, 267 Federal Seed Act, funds for effecting pro- visions of--------------------- 74, 54' Federal Supply, Bureau of. See under TrPasurv Denartment. Federal Tort Claims Act: 3 Administrative adjustment of tort claims against United States, claims of $1,000 or less, designated appro- priations available for----------- Amendment, damages only punitive in nature, cases wherein death was caused, liability of U. S .; effective date------------------------ Appropriations for settlements under- Agriculture, Department of -------- Atomic Energy Commission ------ Budget, Bureau of the------------- Civil Service Commission----------- Commerce, Department of-------- Federal Power Commission ----- Federal Security Agency _ -

Federal Trade Commission------- 591, Federal Works Agency ----------- General Accounting Office---------- Government Corporations -------- Government Reports, Office of------ Housing Expediter --------

Interior, Department of the-------- International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico----------------------- Justice, Department of------------- Maritime Commission ------------ National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ----------------- ?age 71 722 549 589 586 590 302 591 276 592 592 598 583 588 575 461 285 289 603 599 National Archives--------------- 600 Navy Department -------------- 383, 626 Panama Canal------------------.. 691 Post Office Department---------- 229 State, Department of-------------- 280 Treasury Department-------------- 216 Veterans Administration ---------- 605 War Assets Administration -------- 587 War Department--- 552, 555, 560, 626, 694 Federal Trade Commission, appropriation for --------------------------- 28, 591 Federal Trade Commission Act: Applicability of designated provisions to powers and duties of board of in- quiry under Labor Management Relations Act of 1947------------ 155 Immunity from prosecutions under, re- peal of provision of Act of June 11, 1942------------------------- -- 450 Insurance regulation, inapplicability to, time extension ----------------- 448 Stabilization agreements, voluntary, noncompliance, etc., not deemed basis for action under------------ 946 Federal Unemployment Tax Act, Amend- ment, allowance of voluntary contri- butions------------------------ 416 LIII .-.. t---v-