Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1046

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INDEX Haskell Institute, Kans., buildings and Page utilities, appropriation for construc- tion, etc-------------------------- 467 Hatch Act (Agricultural Experiment Sta- tions), appropriation to effect provi- sions of ---------------.----. ----- 530 Hatch Act (Political Activities): Appropriation for prevention of perni- cious activities ----------------- 589 Nonapplication of designated restric- tions to certain part-time Govern- ment employees, amendment of Second War Powers Act, termina- tion date of provisions ----- 34, 214, 322 Restriction on payment of persons vio- lating or attempting to violate cer- tain provisions of law, Department of Agriculture------------------- 543 Hawaii: Agricultural experiment stations, appro- priation for -----------------_-- 530 Agricultural extension work, appropria- tion for------------------------ 527 Airport program, Federal-aid, appro- priation for--------------------- 297 Courts, appropriation for ----------- 59, 303 Ewa, Oahu, conveyance by Navy De- partment, authorized ------------ 401 Fishing resources, investigation, etc.; re- search laboratory and experiment station; appropriations authorized_ 726, Government in, appropriation for -- 1: Honolulu, issuance of general-obligation bonds, authorized -------------- Kahului, Maui, conveyance by War De- partment, date of termination of emergency in interpretation of Act of June 19, 1936------------ Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, convey- ance by Navy Department in vicin- ity of, authorized --------------- Public-improvement bonds, issuance; limitation; approval of President of United States------------------- Public work, employment of nationals, repeal of Act of January 2, 1942-_ Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, applicability---------------- Roads and bridges, repair, etc., of war and emergency damage, contract authority of Public Roads Adminis- tration, Federal Works Agency--- Session Laws, 1947, ratification and con- firmation of- Act 10------------------------- Act 69 --------------------- Sugar, regulation of commerce in. See Sugar Act of 1948. Vocational education, appropriation for_ 95347°-4 8-pt. 1--65 727 16, 490 381 454 401 326 450 204 597 676 381 266 Page Health, National Institute of, funds for- __ 72, 107, 269, 615 Health and Sanitation Activities, Emer- gency, appropriations for Public Health Service, date of termination of war in interpretation of provisions of Act of July 1, 1944---------------- 454 Health Relations, International, Office of, funds for----.---------..-- _ 72, 107, 271 Health Service, Public. See Public Health Service. Health Service Programs, Appropriations for: Agriculture, Department of-------- _ - 548 Atomic Energy Commission --------- _ 589 Budget, Bureau of the--------------- 586 Civil Service Commission ----------- _ 590 Commerce, Department of ----------- 301 Export-Import Bank of Washington___ 576 Federal Communications Commission_ 591 Federal Home Loan Bank Administra- tion ---------- _ _------- ------- 577 Federal Housing Administration------ 578 Federal Power Commission -_ _ --- -- - 591 Federal Public Housing Authority----- 579 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation--_- __ -- -- -- -- - -- -- 577 Federal Security Agency ---------- 267, 274 Federal Trade Commission _ --. ---- --- 591 Federal Works Agency ------------ 592, 597 Freedmen's Hospital---------------- 265 General Accounting Office ----------- 598 Government Reports, Office of-------- 588 Home Owners' Loan Corporation------ 578 Interior, Department of the ---------- 492 Interstate Commerce Commission----- 598 Justice, Department of----- 289, 290, 291, 292 Labor, Department of--------------- 261 Maritime Commission--------------- 604 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics------------------------ 599 National Gallery of Art ------------- 602 Navy Department------------------- 394 Post Office Department ------- 228, 230, 232 Public Buildings Administration------- 593 Public Health Service---------------- 269 Railroad Retirement Board ----------- 278 Reconstruction Finance Corporation--_ 515 St. Elizabeths Hospital --------------- 271 Selective Service Records, Office of --- 617 Social Security Administration -------- 274 State, Department of ------------- 279, 287 Tariff Commission------------------- 602 Treasury Department -------------- 217 Veterans' Administration ------------ 604 War Assets Administration ---------- 587 War Department---------------- 569, 694 Heart River Project, appropriation for Heart Butte and Dickinson Dams - - - 699 LXV
