Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/105

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80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 50-MAY 8, 1947 and arm badge specified by said treaties, on which shall be the sign of the Red Cross, for the purpose of cooperating with the 'Comit6 International de Secours aux Militaires Bless6s' (International Committee of Relief for the Wounded in War); and". SEC. 3. Section 2 of the Act to incorporate the American National Red Cross, approved January 5, 1905, is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 2. That the name of this corporation shall be 'The American National Red Cross', and by that name it shall have perpetual succes- sion, with the power to sue and be sued in courts of law and equity, State or Federal, within the jurisdiction of the United States; to have and to hold such real and personal estate as shall be deemed advisable and to dispose of the same, to accept gifts, devises, and bequests of real and personal estate for the purposes of this corporation herein- after set forth; to adopt a seal and the same to alter and destroy at pleasure; and to have the right to have and to use, in carrying out its purposes hereinafter designated, as an emblem and badge, a Greek red cross on a white ground, as the same has been described in the treaties of Geneva, August twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty- four and July twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and.twenty-nine, and adopted by the several nations acceding thereto; to ordain and estab- lish bylaws and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the United States of America or any State thereof, and generally to do all such acts and things as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act and promote the purposes of said organization; and the corporation hereby created is designated as the organization which is authorized to act in matters of relief under said treaties. In accordance with the said treaties, the delivery of the brassard allowed for individuals neutralized in time of war shall be left to military authority." SEC. 4. Paragraphs "First" and "Second" of section 3 of the Act to incorporate the American National Red Cross, approved January 5, 1905, is hereby amended to read as follows: "First. To furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies in time of war in accordance with the spirit and conditions of the conference of(eneva of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and also of the treaties of the RedCross, or the treaties of Geneva, of August twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and July twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, to which the United States of America has given its adhesion, and also of any other treaty or convention similar in purpose to which the United States of America may hereafter give its adhesion. "Second. And for said purposes to perform all the duties devolved upon a national society by each nation which has acceded to any of said treaties or conventions." SEC. 5 . The Act to incorporate the American National Red Cross, approved January 5, 1905, is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section 4a to read as follows: "SEC. 4a. That membership in the American National Red Cross shall be open to all the people of the United States, its Territories, and dependencies, upon payment of the sums specified from time to time in the bylaws. "The chapters of the American National Red Cross shall be the local units of the corporation within the States and Territories of the United States. The regulations with respect to the granting of char- ters to the chapters and the revocation of the same, the territorial jurisdiction of the chapters, the relationship of the chapters to the corporation and compliance by the chapters with the policies and rules of the corporation, shall be as determined from time to time by the 95347°--48-pt. 1 6 33 Stat. 600 . 36 U.S. C .j2. Name. Powers. 22 Stat. M0; 47 Stat. 2074. 33 Stat. 600. 36U.S.C.J3. 22 Stat. 940; 47 SltI. 2074. 33 Stat. 599. 36U.S.C. letseq. Membership. Chapters. 81 61 STAT.]