Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1061

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INDEX International Refugee Organization- Paj Continued Representatives, etc., designation, com- pensation ----------- ___ __-- --- _ 21 Supplies and services ------------ __ _ 21 Transfers of funds, etc., to Government departments and agencies, author- ized---------------------------21 International Scientific Radio Union, ap- propriation for contribution ------- _ 28 International Seed Testing Congress, ap- propriation for share of expenses .. 54 International Statistical Bureau at The Hague, appropriation for contribution_ 28 International Sugar Council, appropriation for share of expenses --- __------___ 52 International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts, appropriation for contribution ---------__ --- -- --_ International Telecommunication Union, Bureau of, Radio Section, appropria- tion for contribution --------------- 28, International Union of Chemistry, appro- priation for contribution --------- 113, 28 International Union of Geodesy and Geo- physics, appropriation for contribu- tion_ _-- 283 tion------------------------------281 International Wheat Advisory Committee, appropriation for share of expenses _ 52i Interned Persons: Civilian, free importation privileges, termination date ------------- __ . 917 Income from sources within possessions of U. S ., provisions respecting, for tax purposes ------------------ 714 Navy Department, appropriation for-_ _ 382 St. Elizabeths Hospital, admission of persons under jurisdiction of Navy Department for treatment, date of termination of war in interpretation of provisions of Act of Aug. 29, 1916 454 War Department, appropriation for -.. 572 Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitration, Bureau of, appropriation for contribution ---- _ 282 Interstate Commerce Act: Petroleum pipe lines, relief of liability, etc., of operators, authority of Pres- ident, repeal of provision of Act of July 30, 1941 ---------. . ...----- 450 Through service by common carriers subject to, rates, etc------------- 743 Violations, apparent, appropriation for investigations- - 598.. investigations------------------- 598 Interstate Commerce Commission: Appropriation for-------------- 28,108, 598 Communications, war powers of Presi- dent, date of termination of emer- gency in interpretation of provisions of Act of June 19, 1934--------- 454 ge Interstate Commerce Commission-Con. Government transportation requests, use by Joint Board members and .5 cooperating State commissioners- 5 Locomotive Inspection Act, amendment, compensation of director of loco- motive inspection, district inspec- 5 tors, etc.; provision of technical, etc., help --------------- ____... 3 Motor and water carriers, emergency powers over, amendment of Second 4 War Powers Act, time limitation._ 214, 3 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, approval of certain loans by; certifi- 7 cation regarding meeting of fixed charges ----------- ____________ Through service and joint rates, etc., 3 certain common carriers, state- ment .---.------..-----

Interstate Compacts: Arkansas River compact, funds for ne- gotiation between Colorado and Kansas; retired Army officer as U. S. representative ------------- __ __ Consent of Congress granted to- New England Interstate Water Pollu- tion Control Compact___

Oil and gas conservation compact, extension and renewal --_ ._ _ _ _ - Pacific Marine Fisheries Compact _ - Pennsylvania and New Jersey, com- pact concerning Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission- Interstate or Foreign Commerce, Larceny in, shipping document as prima facie evidence of place of shipment___. _. Interstate Petroleum Pipe Lines, construc- tion, etc., date of termination of emer- gency in interpretation of Act of July 30, 1941_------ .-- ------- ---- 4 Inventory Controls of Scarce Commodities, voluntary agreements respecting .. Investigation, Federal Bureau of. See Federal Bureau of Investigation under Justice, Department of. Iowa, Little Sioux River, flood-control project, adoption and authorization__ 7 Iron Ore, transportation in vessels of Cana- dian registry, repeal of Act of Janu- ary 27, 1942; effective date --------- 4 Irrigation Investigations, funds for . 73, 5 Irrigation Projects, Federal. See Recla- mation, Bureau of, under Interior, De- partment of the. Irving, George, Estate of, payment to Me- nominee Indian Mills to credit of ac- count of ..... _ 4' count of------------------------- 4i Italian Property in United States, return of ------. ..


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