Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1090

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INDEX Nursing Services, grants to States for old-age assistance, disregard of income without prejudice to rights; time limitation --------------- ___---__ 0 Oaths, Certain State Officials, require- ment --------------------------- Obligations, International. See Interna- tional Obligations. Page 202 643 Occupied Areas, funds for government, relief, etc., in------------ 71, 569, 625, 943 Ocean Strip and Queets Corridor, appro- priation for ---------------------- Officer Personnel Act of 1947 ---------- Army- Chaplains, Chief of, increased rank__ Chief of staff, pay and allowances--- General officers- Assignments ---------------- Chiefs and assistant chiefs of serv- ices, appointment, etc ------- General and lieutenant general, po- sitions carrying rank of------ Relative rank with flag officers of Navy --------------- United Nations, members of Mili- tary and Naval Staff Commit- tee, rank, pay, etc -------- Major generals commanding the four armies, repeal of provisions re- specting -- --- --- --- --- --- -- Rank and precedence, amendment of Article of War respecting------ Regular Army officers- Additional, procurement of------ Appointments ---------------- 883, Assignment in branch---------- Authorized numbers, grades below brigadier general----------- Authorized strength ------- Branches---------- Deferred officers--------------- Details ----------------------- Elimination from active list ------ General officers- Authorized numbers----------- Date of rank --------------- Repeal of inconsistent laws, 483 795 912 888 886 901 886 908 887 888 913 890 884 884 888 883 884 896 884 903 885 886 noo etc--------------------- Retirement while serving in cer- tain positions------------- 88E Seniority list------------------ 886 Physical disability, retirement for- 893 Promotion lists--------------- 888, 88S Promotions------- 892, 894, 897, 898, 90( July 1, 1948, appointments in · i Unnt dararl eA --- 911 Officer Personnel Act of 1947-Continued Army-Continued Regular Army officers-Continued Retirement ----_ --. _ _-- __ _ _ _. - - Selection boards .. _---_______ Seniority and date of rank in perma- CIX Page 902 892 nent grade ----------------- 889 Service credit to certain officers in Regular Army prior to Decem- ber 28, 1945---------------- 909 U. S . Military Academy, appoint- ment of graduates of -------- 892 Repeal of inconsistent laws --- _---- 886, 888, 890, 892, 894, 906, 908 Reserve officers, active duty -------- 907 Retired grade, etc., of officers pre- viously retired _ -- -_ ----- ----- 913 Retirement laws, amendments to --- 912 Surgeon General, assistants to, in- creased rank ---------------- _ 912 Temporary grades----------------- 906 Temporary officers, appointment --- 907 U. S . Military Academy, professors- Rank, pay, etc------------------ 912 Retirement------------------ 902, 912 Army-Navy Medical Services Corps Act of 1947, amendments ----------- 881 Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947, amend- ments ------------------------ 882 Marine Corps- Authorized number of commissioned officers----------------------- 877 Commandant, pay and allowances--- 880, 888 Distribution, promotion, retirement, etc. - Permanent provisions------------ 811 Terminablle provisions ----------- 863 Limited duty ---... .- --- ----- -- 871, 872 Repeal of inconsistent laws, etc -- 880, 882 Retired pay, computation of--------- 881 Retirement of officers specially com- mended for performance of duty in combat ------------------- 874 Revocation of commission -------- 880 Special commands, etc., designations for; retirement---------------- 876 Navy- Active-duty officers- Active-duty pay, definition------- Commodores, retention, etc., of- - Definitions of terms------------- Distribution ------------------- Fleet Reserve---------------- 836, Line officers, maximum number -- Lineal list for seniority purposes- Line officers ------------------ Staff officers------------------ Naval Reserve, applicability to--- Permanent appointments---- . - - - . 831 869 829 831 839 836 833 837 830 852 el -W- - -- -- -- -- - 9-