Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1092

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INDEX Officer Personnel Act of 1947-Continued Page Navy-Continued Staff officers- Active-duty pay, definition----_ __ _ 816 Commissioned service, computation of------------------------- 816 Definitions of terms ---------- - 816 Distribution --------------

816 Effective dates of provisions relat- ing to -_ .----- .-----.. ---. 829 Ensigns, appointment of--------- 873 Establishment of grades ------- 872 Lieutenants (jg), promotion to grade of-------------------- 873 Permanent provisions------------ 815 Precedence-----------_ - -- -- -- - 823 Promotion by selection ---------- 817 Promotion list-------_- -- --- --- _ 822 Recommendations for--------- 821 Rear admirals- Number restrictions----------- 816 Retirement --------------- 827, 828 Retirement------------------ 825, 827 Running mates----------------- 823 Selection boards- Composition -------------- 817, 829 Duties --------------------- 821 Eligibility for consideration by-- 818 Information to be furnished to-- 819 Oath for members ----------- _ 818 Reports ---------------------_ 822 United Nations, members of Military and Naval Staff Committee, rank, pay, etc-------------- 887 Officers' Reserve Corps, Army. See un- der Army. Official Gazette, Patent Office, appropria- tion for printing and binding .- -- -- . 299 Ogden, Utah, clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of--------------- 304 Ogden River Project, Utah, appropriation for construction ----------------- 474 Ohio: Chillicothe, U. S. Industrial Reforma- tory, construction, reduction in ap- propriation -------------- Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to extension and renewal of interstate compact con- cerning----------------------- Toledo, exemption of certain plants from disposal limitations-------------- Ohio River, allocation of funds for water- shed----

Oil and Gas. See also Petroleum and Pe- troleum Products. Interstate compact for conservation of, consent of Congress granted to ex- tension and renewal ------------ 21 316 26 540 316 Oil and Gas-Continued Page Investigations and dissemination of in- formation, appropriation for_ _ -- -- 481 Mining of, on lands acquired by United States ------------------------ 913 Naval petroleum reserves- Mineral Leasing Act, amendment, money received from sales, etc., of public lands under, disposition- 119 Operation, conservation, etc., appro- priation for ---------------- _ 383 Oklahoma, appropriation for payment of royalties, south half of Red River-- 464 Osage Indians, Okla., determination of bonus value of tracts offered for lease for oil, gas, etc- ------- ___ - 459 Production and utilization, cooperation with petroleum industry and State authorities, appropriation for ----- 460 Public lands, royalty rate, repeal of Act of December 24, 1942------- _- -- 450 Oil and Gas Division. See under Interior, Department of the. Oil Shale: Mining of, on lands acquired by United States ------------------------ 913 Synthetic liquid fuels, production of--- 480 Oils, Etc.: Allocations, extension of time limitation on provisions ------------------ 322 Statistics, collection and publication by Bureau of the Census --------- _ _ 457 Okimosh, John, Estate of, payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of ----------------------- 455 Oklahoma: Fort Gibson flood-control project, co- operation with city of Muskogee in protection of domestic water supply_ 689 Indians- Anadarko, arts and crafts building, appropriation for ------------- 465 Buildings and utilities, appropriation for construction, etc ---------- 468 Choctaw-Chickasaw Nations, coal or asphalt deposits, leases, etc.; sale_ 686 Choctaws, appropriation for fulfilling treaties with ----------------- 468 Five Civilized Tribes. See separate title. Osage Agency, appropriation for sup- port --------------- . - -- - 116,469 Osage Indians- Determination of bonus value of tracts offered for lease for oil, gas, etc-------------------- 459 Loans to veterans of World War II under provisions of Service- men's Readjustment Act of 1944 --------------------- 747