Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1094

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INDEX P Pacific Islands, Territory of, trusteeship agreement, approval by President on behalf of United States, authorized _ Pacific Marine Fisheries Compact, approv- al ofCongress---__-____________- Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, In- ternational: Appropriation for --------- ____ ____- . Sockeye Salmon Fishery Act of 1947--- Packers and Stockyards Act, funds to ef- fect provisions of --------------- _ 74, Palisades Project, Idaho, appropriation for construction ------ _ __- ___- __- Pan-American Highway, Convention on the, appropriation for fulfilling U. S . obligations --- ___------------ -_ __ Pan American Institute of Geography and History, appropriation for contribu- tion -_____----____---____-_____ - Pan American Sanitary Bureau, appropri- ation for contribution-------- _ __ - Pan American Union, appropriation for contribution; allocation for printing and binding-----------_ _--- ----_ - Panama: Citizens of, employment on Canal Zone, Page 397 419 286 511 544 473 596 283 283 283 restrictions, etc----------- 393, 570, 693 Government of, appropriation for con- tribution ------- _ -- ---- ---- ---- _ 283 Land, acquisition by Army, reduction in appropriation----------------- 22 Panama, Republic of Panama, appropria- tion for waterworks, sewers, and pave- ments -------------------------- 692 Panama Canal. See also Canal Zone. Civil government, appropriation for_ 118, 692 Construction, additional facilities, ap- propriation for---------------- 692 Construction annuity fund, appropria- tion for ---

60, 590 Judgments, appropriation for payment_ 626 Maintenance, operation, etc., appropri- ation for----------------------- 691 Sanitation, funds for ---------- 76, 114, 692 Seacoast defenses, reduction in appropri- ation__------------------------ 23 Specialists, technicians, etc., employ- ment authorized----------------- 694 Surplus property, transfer by War De- partment and Navy Department authorized------------------ 243, 694 Panama Railroad Company: Administrative expenses, increase in amount for--------------------- 61 Civil Service Retirement Act, inclusion of certain officers and employees within------------------------ 415 95347 0 -48-pt. 1---68 Panama Railroad Company-Continued Page Expenditures, contracts, etc., authoriza- tion; appropriation for ---------- 576 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for_ 28 Pension fund, transfer to civil service retirement and disability fund - - 415 Annuity, payment of-------- _ __ _ _ _ 416 Individual accounts, establishment__ 416 Paonia Federal Reclamation Project, Colo., construction, etc., funds avail- able; appropriation authorized - _- __ 181 Parker Dam Power Project, Ariz. - Calif., appropriation for --------------- 116, 474 Parks. See National Park Service under Interior, Department of the; National Capital Parks; National Parks. Pasadena, Calif., transfer of certain real property to Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Depart- ment of Agriculture---------------- 536 Passport Agencies, appropriation for--_ _- 117, 279 Patent Office. See under Commerce, De- partment of. Patents: Extension of certain rights to nationals of former enemy countries ------- 794 Priority rights, and payment of fees, time extension; reciprocity provi- sion --------------------------- 413 Pawnee Indians, Okla., treaties with, ap- propriation for fulfilling ------ ____ _ 468 Paxon Field, Duval County, Fla., sale by Federal Works Administrator, author- ized ---------------------------- 723 Pay Costs, Increased, Government Offi- cers and Employees: Appropriation for .----. __---..._--- 26, 71 Waiver of certain restrictions on use of funds---------------------- 31,76, 118 Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, Amend- ments: Cadets and midshipmen, pay increases- 134 Clothing for enlisted men; clothing allowance---------------------- 242 Enlistment and reenlistment allowances_ 192 Marriage, purported, validity of allow- ances based on------------------ 92 Nurses, female, repeal of provision for base pay increases--------------- 52 Pay and allowances of certain high- ranking officers------------------ 888 Physicians, surgeons, and dentists of Army, Navy, and Public Health Service, pay -------------------- 776 Pea Patch Island, Del., conveyance of por- tion to State of Delaware, authorized_ 742 Peace Treaties, effectuation of patent pro- visions-------------------------- 794 CXIII