Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1104

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INDEX Provisional Fur-Seal Agreement of 1942, termination date, repeal of provision of Act of February 26, 1944 --- .. .. Provo River Project, Utah, appropriation for construction ----- _--___-_-____ Public Assistance, Bureau of. See under Social Security Administration. Public Buildings Acts, appropriation for carrying out provisions of_________ Public Buildings Administration. See under Federal Works Agency. Public Debt, Bureau of the. See under Treasury Department. Public Debt Act of 1941, Amendment, ob- ligations, taxation of- ____ ______ __- Public-Debt Transactions, Second Liberty Bond Act. See Liberty Bond Act, Second. Public Health, International Office of, ap- propriation for contribution - ___ ___ Public Health Service: Appropriation for --------_ -__ _ __ __ __ Cincinnati, Ohio, appropriation for maintenance and operation of water and sanitary investigations station at-------------------------_- Coast Guard, officers on detail to, per diem rates of allowance authorized_ Commissioned officers- Injury or death, claims under Em- ployees' Compensation Act, re- peal of provisions of Act of July 1, 1944; effective date---------- Page 450 474 592 180 283 267 271 225 451 Pay, etc.- Appointments to grades above senior assistant; limitation _- _ 270 Funds for------------- 269, 270, 293 Transfer of funds from--------- 72 Communicable diseases, funds for pre- vention and suppression of-_ 72, 107, 268 Health and sanitation activities, emer- gency, appropriations for, date of termination of war in interpretation of provisions of Act of July 1, 1944_ 454 Health service programs- Appropriation for ---------------- 269 Transfers of funds from Government departments and agencies ------ 269 Hospitals, appropriation for construc- tion, etc----------------------- 268 Hospitals and medical care, transfer of funds for ------------------- 72, 107 Income-tax deferments for personnel on sea duty or outside United States, termination date--------------- 918 International Health Relations, Office of, funds for --------------- 72, 107, 271 Liberia, mission to, appropriation for ac- tivities in connection with-------- 271 Public Health Service-Continued Page Maritime Commission, transfer of funds from -----------_------------ _ 604 Medical and dental officers- Original appointments ------------ 777 Pay ----- .. ..........----------. 776 Medical care, appropriation for ---- __ _ 268 Medical Officer Procurement Act of 1947, Army-Navy-Public Health Service_ 776 Mental health activities, appropriation for ------------------------ 268, 269 Mines, Bureau of, Department of the In- terior, details to----------------- 483 Narcotic hospitals, working capital fund, transfer of balances to Treasury-_ - 269 National Cancer Institute, funds for _ 72, 270 National Institute of Health, funds for- 72, 107, 269, 615 Nurses' training- Student nurses, certain, appropriation for; transfer of funds to St. Eliza- beths and Freedmen's Hospitals- 270 Transfer of funds from appropriation for-------------------------- 72 Osteopaths, eligibility for appointment as reserve officers, repeal of provi- sions of Act of July 1, 1944----- 449 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating -- _ _-- -_- --- --- --- --- - 278 Pay and allowances during periods of ab- sence from duty, date of termination of war in interpretation of Act of March 7, 1942 ----------------- 453 Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, Amend- ments. See separate title. Prison System, Federal, transfer of funds. 293 Psychiatric service for District of Co- lumbia juvenile court, appropriation for payment for ---------------- 435 Quarantine powers of Surgeon General in time of war, date of termination of war in interpretation of provision of Act of July 1, 1944 ---------- . 452 Quarantine service, funds for--------- 72, 107, 269 Rental allowances, occupancy of Govern- ment facilities under Military Es- tablishment -------------------- 572 Research facilities, appropriation for construction -------------------- 270 Transfer of funds to Public Build- ings Administration ----------- 270 St. Elizabeths Hospital, D. C . See separate title. Salaries and expenses, funds for_ _ 72, 107, 270 State health services, grants and services to, appropriation for; funds availa- ble for grants for mental health serv- ices---------------------------- 268 CXXIII