Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1106

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INDEX Iublic Works Administration Extension Page Act of 1937, purchase by Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation of certain securities, repeal of provisions re- specting ...-------- -- _____

_ 208 Puerto Rico: Agricultural experiment stations, ap- propriation for ---- _ _-- ----- - _ 524, 530 Agricultural extension work, appropria- tion for --------- _ ------ ----_ __ 527 Airport program, Federal-aid, appropria- tion for ------------------------ 297 Buchanan, acquisition of land by Mili- tary Establishment, reduction in appropriation ------------------- 22 Federal Experiment Station, transfer of funds to appropriation for -------- 73 Military forces other than National Guard, maintenance, etc., repeal of provisions of National Defense Act of June 3, 1916--_ _-

_-----.. 449 Organic Act of Puerto Rico, Amend- ments- Citizens of U. S., rights, privileges, and immunities -------------- 772 Coordinator of Federal Agencies, ap- pointment; duties; reports to President, Congress, etc ------- 772 Governor, provisions relating to elec- tion, impeachment, succession, etc ----------------------- 770, 771 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, applicability --------.------ 204 Sugar, regulation of commerce in. See Sugar Act of 1948. Topographic surveys, appropriation for_ 477 Vocational education, appropriation for_ 266 Puget Sound Towboat Company, docu- mentation of dredge Ajax and certain scows---------------------------- 704 Purnell Act, appropriation to effect pro- visions of----__---------------

530 Pyrophyllite, income-tax percentage deple- tion--------------------------- 919, 920 Q Quarantine Service, funds for------ 72, 107, 269 Quartermaster Corps. See under War Department. Quinaielt Tribe of Indians, declaration as proper party plaintiff in designated action; attorneys' compensation----- 417 Quincy, Fia., appropriation for mainte- nance and operation of research labo- ratory ----- _-------------------- 698 Quinidine, allocations, extension of time limitation on provisions, condition._ - 322 Quinine, allocations, extension of time limi- tation on provisions, condition------ 322 R Page Radio Facilities, Tax on, war tax rates of certain miscellaneous taxes, continuance- 12 Radio Office, Inter-American, appropria- tion for contribution -------------- 282 Radio Operators Aboard Vessels, employ- ment restriction in certain cases, re- peal of Act of December 17, 1941 .. _ 450 Radio Operators of Cargo Ships, experience requirement, repeal of Acts of July 8, 1941 and June 22, 1943; effective date- 451 Radio Union, International Scientific, ap- propriation for contribution -------- 283 Railroad Adjustment Board, National, ap- propriation for --------------- 28, 61, 277 Railroad Retirement Account, appropria- tion for -------------------------- 278 Railroad Retirement Board: Appropriation Act, 1948------------- 277 Appropriation for -------------- 28, 61, 277 Building, reduction in appropriation _ - 19 Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating ------ _---- --------_ 278 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc------ _ _ _ _ _ _


278 Treasurer of the United States, Office of, transfer of funds to appropriation for--- ------------------------ 219 Treasury Department, Division of Dis- bursement, transfer of funds to--.. 218 Railroads. See also Carriers. Locomotive inspection, appropriation for ------------------.-----. 28,598 Locomotive Inspection Act, amendment, compensation of director of loco- motive inspection, district inspec- tors, etc.; provision of technical, etc., help by Interstate Commerce Commission ------------------- 120 Railroad Adjustment Board, National, appropriation for ----------- 28, 61, 277 Railroad Retirement Board. See sepa- rate title. Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, applications for refunds, time ex- tension ---------.---- _--------- 793 Safety, appropriation for----------- 28, 598 Successor corporations, benefits of cer- tain carry-overs of predecessor cor- poration for purposes of certain provisions of Internal Revenue Code --------------------- - 324 Refund or credit of certain overpay- ments-- --

Through service, common carriers sub- ject to Interstate Commerce Act, rates, etc --------------------- 326 743 CXXV