Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1119

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CXXXVIII INDEX Squaw Point Area, Cass County, Minn., Page cooperation in extension, etc., of public-school facilities, appropriation authorized ------------------------ 419 Stabilization Act, 1942: Sugar-- Continuance in effect of certain provi- sions with respect to --------- _. 35 Transfer of functions, etc., of Presi- dent and Price Administrator to Secretary of Agriculture- ------. 36 Stabilization of Commodity Prices. See Commodity Prices, Stabilization. Standard Baskets Act, appropriation to effect provisions of ---------------- 544 Standard Container Act, funds to effect provisions of----_---------------_ 74, 544 Standards, National Bureau of. See National Bureau of Standards under Commerce, Department of. Star Route Service, funds for- _ 112, 230, 700, 701 State, Department of: Administrative expenses under Foreign Aid Act of 1947, availability of funds--------------------------. .. . 942 Allocations of materials, etc., certified by Secretary as necessary to meet international commitments, time limitation--------------- .- ----- - 34 American Republics- Cooperation with, appropriation for- 286 Travel in Western Hemisphere by citizens of--------- . .


286 Appropriation Act, 1948-------------- _ 279 Boy Scouts, World Jamboree, issuance of passports to Scouts and Scouters attending--------- .. . . .. . . .. -- ---- --- ---- - 38 Contracts exempt from prohibition on interest of Members of Congress--_ _ 288 Contributions, quotas, etc.- Appropriation for---------- .. .-- -- 113, 282 Transfer of funds...------------------.. 117 Department Service- Aliens, etc., employment of, funds for----------------------- . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 279, 622 Appropriation for- ----------- 77, 279, 622 Claims, appropriation for---------.. _____ 77, 280 Foreign Service Institute, appropria- tion for expenses-------- ..------ 279 Health service program, appropria- tion for----------------------. . 279 Information program outside conti- nental U. S ., appropriation for; restriction---..----------------- 279 International Broadcasting Division, funds available for personal serv- ices-------------------------. . . .. . . . . 280 Living and quarters allowances, trans- fer of funds---... __ fi699 State, Department of-Continued Page Department Service-Continued North Atlantic fisheries- Appropriation for expenses of sur- veys, etc---..----------------...... 280 Availability of appropriation ------ 622 Penalty mail costs- Appropriation for-------------- . 279 Transfer of funds from appropria- tion for -------------------- 117 Printing and binding, appropriation for------------- .. -- - -- - -- - -- - .. 280 Radio stations, international short- wave, contracts for, indemnifica- tion agreements, etc----------- 280 Surplus property disposal, appropria- tion for expenses -------------- 280 Territorial papers, appropriation for collecting and editing_ ------ ---- 280 Trade agreements, funds for effecting provisions of law relating to - - - 280 Transfer of funds------..------------_________ 622 Employment, termination of, authority of Secretary of State ------------ . 288 Exports, certification of priority of ma- terials for, authority of Secretary respecting--------------- .. -- -- -- - 323 Foreign Aid Act of 1947. See separate title. Foreign Service- Alien fiancees or fianeds of veterans or members of U. S . armed forces, admission to United States, time extension of authority in con- nection with---- .. -- --- ---- --- --. . .. 190 Automobiles, application of exchange allowances to replacements, etc- 281 Buildings fund, appropriation for - -.- 282 Emergencies in Diplomatic and Con- sular Service, appropriation for_ _ 282 Exchange of funds, certain, nonappli- cability of designated restric- tions ------------------- ______ 282 Foreign Service Act of 1946, appro- priation for carrying out provi- sions of ---------------------- 113 Foreign Service Institute, appropria- tion for expenses -------------- 279 Living and quarters allowances, ap- propriation for---------------- 281 Printing and binding, appropriation for -------------------------- 282 Refunds, etc., crediting of-------___ 282 Representation allowances, appro- priation for------------------- 281 Retirement and disability fund, ap- propriation for ---------------- 282 Salaries and expenses, funds for ----- 113, 280, 622
