Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1121

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INDEX States, U. S. Code Provisions Respecting- Continued Taxation affecting Federal areas; sales or use tax; income tax---------- Definitions--------------------- Exception of United States, its instru- mentalities, and authorized pur- chases therefrom------------- Indians, exception of-------------- Jurisdiction of United States over Federal areas unaffected -__ -- Statistical Bureau at The Hague, Inter- national, appropriation for contribu- tion ---------------------------- Statistical Institute, Inter-American, ap- propriation for contribution -------- Statue of Liberty National Monument, Page 644 645 645 645 645 283 282 appropriation for water-supply ease- ments -------------------------- 483 Statutes at Large, compilation, etc.; con- tents; admissibility in evidence----- 636 Steelhead Trout, nonapplicability of regu- lations respecting interstate transpor- tation of certain ------------------ 518 Sterling, Colo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of--------------- 304 Stokley, W. H., provisions for relief of__ - 685 Stone on Public Lands, authority for dis- posal by Secretary of the Interior_ _ 681 Strategic and Critical Materials. See also Mines, Bureau of, under Interior, De- partment of the. Agricultural materials, research on, ap- propriation for ------------------ 529 Helium- Procurement, appropriation for ----- 559 Production, investigations, etc., funds for -------------------------- 482 Navy Department, reduction in appro- priation ----------

22 Oil and gas. See separate title. Rubber. See separate title. Stock Piling Act, appropriation for carrying out provisions of-------- 624 Tin and tin products. See separate title. Streams, Gaging of: Appropriation for; limitation-------- 111, 478 Arkansas River compact, use of funds for negotiation of --------------- 478 Streptomycin, Etc.: Allocations, time limitation of provi- sions------------------------- 34 Certification, etc., provision for ---- __- 11 Strikes. See Strikes against U. S. Gov- ernment under Government Depart- ments and Agencies; Labor Manage- ment Relations Act, 1947. Student-Employees of Federal Govern- ment Hospitals, exclusion from provi- sions of law relating to compensation and benefits of Federal employees; exceptions, etc ------------------- Submarginal Land, funds for retirement Page 727 of------------------------- 74,541 Submarines, Experimental, construction authorized; cost limitation ---------- 96 Subsidies, restriction on use of War Department funds for payment of_ - 556 Sugar. See also Sugar Act of 1937; Sugar Act of 1948; Sugar Control Extension Act of 1947. Alcohol plants, industrial, emergency production of sugars and sirups, time extension ------------------ 4 Allocations, provisions not construed to continue authority -------------- 34 Taxes, certain, under Agricultural Adjustment Act, loans from Recon- struction Finance Corporation, re- peal of provisions respecting ------ 208 Sugar Act of 1937, appropriation to effect provisions of; limitation ------------ 543 Sugar Act of 1948------------------- 922 Abandonment of planted acreage, pay- ment with respect to------------- 930 Agriculture, Secretary of, administra- tion of Act--------------------- 923 Appropriations authorized ----------- 932 Child labor, restriction --------------- 929 Conditional-payment provisions ------- 929 Consumer requirements, determination of, in- Continental United States ---------- 923 Hawaii and Puerto Rico------------ 925 Definitions------------------------- 922 Determinations of quotas and deficits, publication of------------------- 932 Effective date----------------------- 934 Enforcement, etc., by U. S . district courts ------------------------ 932 Excess marketing, restriction --------- 929 Expenditures----------------------- 932 Funds, availability of---------------- 932 Information, furnishing of, to Secretary of Agriculture------------------ 933 Investment or speculation by person in official capacity, prohibition ------ 933 Liquid sugar- Inclusion in determinations, quotas, etc-------------------------- 928 Quotas for foreign countries -------- 928 Local committees-------------------- 932 Orders or regulations ----------------- 932 Payments, computation, etc-------- 930, 931 Review-------------------------- 932 CXL