Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1126

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IND Taxes-Continued Prohibition Act, National, functions un- der, transfer from Justice Depart- ment to Treasury Department --- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, exemption from --- _-_________. State, etc., taxation affecting Federal areas; sales or use tax; income tax_ Definitions --------------- ___ _--_- Exceptions- Indians -------------- _- -- ___ ___ United States, its instrumental- ities, and authorized purchases therefrom ------ _ _-_ _____. . Successor railroad corporations, benefits of certain carry-overs of predecessor corporation for purposes of certain provisions of Internal Revenue Code ----------------------- _- Refund or credit of certain overpay- ments----------------------- Sugar- Manufactured, definition of-------- Termination - ---------------- Transportation tax exemption of mili- tary and naval personnel, termina- tion date----------------------- United Nations, certain contributions to, deduction from gross income for tax purposes - ---------------- _ War tax rates of certain miscellaneous taxes, continuance in effect------- "Rate reduction date," definition of--------------------------- Taylor Grazing Act, Amendments: Funds, deposit and distribution of----- Grazing permits, issuance of------. - _ Indian lands, use of fees from ------- Tea Importation Act, appropriation for en- forcement----------------------- Tebeau, James, payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of__ Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Ex- perts, International, appropriation for contribution --------------------- Telecommunication Union, International, Bureau of, Radio Section, appropria- tion for contribution -------------- Telecommunications Conferences, Desig- nated, rendering of free communica- tion services to official participants in- Telegrams, Government, repeal of Post Roads Act of 1866---------------- Telegraph and Telephone Facilities, Tax on, war tax rates of certain miscella- neous taxes, continuance ---------- Temporary Congressional Aviation Policy Board. See Congressional Aviation Policy Board, Temporary. 95347°-48-pt. 1-70 Page 951 205 644 645 645 645 324 326 934 934 919 6 12 12 790 790 791 265 455 113 282 83 327 12 )EX CXLV Temporary Controls, Office of: Page Appropriation for liquidation of func- tions---.....-------.----.. 16, 18, 618 Materials distribution and liquidation, appropriation for; limitation on availability ----------------- _ 698, 699 Reductions in designated appropriations_ 17, 18 Tennessee: Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to extension and renewal of interstate compact con- cerning-----------------------. 316 Shiloh National Military Park, convey- ance within -------------------- 173 Tennessee Valley Associated Coopera- tives, Inc.: Expenditures, contracts, etc., authoriza- tion; appropriation for ---------- 576 Liquidation, provision for ---- _------ 576 Tennessee Valley Authority: Appropriation for------------------- 574 Bonded indebtedness, payment-------- 576 Construction of new projects, approval of Congress required - .- - ___-- -__ 577 Expenditures, contracts, etc., authoriza- tion -------------------------- 576 Possession and use of property by Gov- ernment in time of war, date of ter- mination of state of war, etc., in in- terpretation of provisions of Act of May 18, 1933------------------- 451 Terminal Inspection Act, appropriation for operations under -------------- 535 "Termination of War," construction of term for certain legislative provi- sions ------------------------- 449-454 Territorial Courts, appropriation for - - - 59, 303 Territorial Papers, appropriation for col- lecting and editing----------------- 280 Territories: Emergency fund- Reduction in appropriation--------- 21 Repeal of provisions of Act of Decem- ber 23, 1941------------------ 450 Fishing resources, investigation, develop- ment, etc., provisions relating to; appropriations authorized----- 726, 727 Government in, appropriation for------ 66, 116, 117, 489 Territories and Island Possessions, Divi- sion of. See under Interior, Depart- ment of the. Texas: Big Bend National Park, appointment of commissioner, jurisdiction, pow- ers; fees, costs, etc-------------- Fort McIntosh, Laredo, transfer of cer- tain property to U. S . Section, In- ternational Boundary and Water Commission, U. S . and Mexico- --- 91 423