Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1134

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INDEX Veterans. See also Veterans Administra- tion. Alien spouses, nonapplicability of pro- visions respecting racial ineligibil- ity; time limitation-------------- Allied nations, veterans of, extension of certain benefits to, date of termina- tion of war in interpretation of Act of July 11, 1946------ .- --. . --- _ AMVETS (American Veterans of World War II), incorporation of________ Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946, Amendments. See Leave Act of 1946, Armed Forces, Amendments. Boxer Rebellion, increase in pension rates ---------------------- ____ Civil War, increase in pension rates --- Claims, presentation by veterans' organi- zation, retired members of armed forces as representatives ------ __- Deceased, World War II, benefits under Social Security Act, date of termina- tion of war in interpretation of pro- visions of Act of Aug. 10, 1946--. . District of Columbia- Fire Department, seniority benefits for certain members ----- _- __ Metropolitan Police, seniority bene- fits for certain members-------- Policemen and firemen's relief fund, certain employees, credit for serv- ice in armed forces in determina- tion of benefits-----------___ __ Services to, appropriation for .- -- _- Tax, income, exclusion from gross in- come of certain payments made under laws relating to veterans.. Temporary housing, date of termina- tion of emergency in interpreta- tion of Act of May 18, 1946-- - Educational facilities- Appropriation for; limitation on avail- ability------------. . .. . .. --- -- Increase in limitation on amount for administrative expenses - Institutional on-farm training, inclu- sion in educational and training program --------------------- Provision to certain institutions, date of termination of emergency in interpretation of Act of Aug. 8, 1946 ----------------------- Relocation of buildings, cost limita- tion------------------------ Fiancees or fiances, alien, admission to United States, time extension of authority----------------------- Gold star lapel buttons, furnishing to widows, parents, etc., of deceased armed forces members --------- Page 401 454 403 610 610 716 454 240 240 398 435 336 453 108 598 791 453 108 190 710 Veterans-Continued Government employment- Points added to earned ratings, date of termination of war in interpre- tation of provision of Act of June 27, 1944 -------. .- ..--

Restoration of employees to former positions ------- __ .____-_____ Homestead entries- Availability of credit to surviving spouse or minor children ------ Credit for military or naval service - Preferred right of application ------ Housing. See separate title. Insurance. See Insurance; National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, Amendments. Leave Act of 1946, Armed Forces, Amendments. See separate title. Loans- Date of termination of war in inter- pretation of provisions of Act of June 22, 1944---------------- Guarantee or insurance under Service- men's Readjustment Act, pur- chase by Reconstruction Finance Corporation, repeal of provisions respecting --- __ _-- ---. ------- Medals, decorations, etc. See separate title. Merchant marine, reemployment rights, consideration of certain service in, date of termination of emergency in interpretation of provisions of Act of Aug. 8, 1946.- - - National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, Amendments. See separate title. Page 453 608 123 123 124 454 209 454 Ordnance, condemned or obsolete, pro- vision for loan or gift to State homes for former members of armed forces-------------------- 707 Osage Indians, loans under provisions of Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 ----------------------- 747 Philippine Insurrection- Increase in pension rates----------- 610 Payment of certain claims -------- 79, 627 Placement Service Board, membership of Director of Office of Selective Service Records; availability of public records ------------------ 32 Preference eligibles, discharge, etc., mandatory corrective action on recommendation of Civil Service Commission -------------------- 7 Reclamation projects, settlement and employment on, transfer of certain lands, etc., to Bureau of Reclama- tion, Department of the Interior.. - 477 CLIIT