Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1139

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CLVIII INDEX War Department-Continued Page Construction- Buildings, utilities and appurtenances, reduction in appropriation ---- 22, 625 Permanent, limitation on----------- 562 Contingencies, Army- Appropriation for ----------------- 551 Appropriation rescission--- ------- 572 Contingent expenses- Appropriation for ----------------- 569 Appropriation rescission ----------- 574 Contracts- Priority powers, termination dates, amendment of Second War Powers Act ------------ 34, 214, 322 War contracts, financing of- Appropriations available --------- 569 Reduction in appropriation------- 22 Defense, Office of Secretary of, transfer of funds and equipment to; limita- tion ----------. - -- -- - -- -- -- 703, 704 Defense Plant Corporation, transfer of title of certain plants, equipment, etc ------------------------ -- 774 Dependents, transportation of- Change of station----------------- 554 Military personnel, air transportation of war spouses and their children, appropriation for ------------- 70 Disbursing and certifying officers, relief from liability for certain losses; credit in accounts--------------- 493 Disbursing officers, Army, time exten- sion for examination of accounts, date of termination of state of war, etc., in interpretation of provisions respecting ----------- _-_-- --- 452 District of Columbia, lease of buildings for military purposes, date of ter- mination of war, etc., in interpreta- tion of provision of Act of July 9, 1918 ------------------------- 452 Domestic food or clothing products, preference for---------------- - 556 Emergency fund for the President, defense housing, reduction in ap- propriation ------------------- 22, 23 Engineers, Corps of- Appropriation for------- 187, 561,568, 687 Rescissions ---------------- 573, 574 Transfer of funds from----------- 71 Bridges, alteration of, appropriation for U.S. share of expenses ------ 689 Dan River, dam across, approval of plans; restriction on deviation-_ 98 Falls Church or other water systems in metropolitan area of D. C . in Virginia, delivery of water from D. C. water system --------- - 181 War Department-Continued Engineers, Corps of-Continued Flood control. See under Rivers and Harbors. Little Sioux River, Iowa, flood-control project, supervision, etc-------- Personnel, additional, employment Page 741 of-------------------------- 687 Power-driven boats, limitation on use of funds for ----------------- 688 Reclamation, Bureau of, Department of the Interior, cooperation in investigations - _--------_----- 473 Rivers and harbors. See separatetitle. Surveys, etc., unauthorized, restric- tion -----------.- ------ - -- -- 688 Susquehanna River, construction of dam by Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, approval re- quirement---- --------------- 675 Vehicles, etc., funds for purchase---- 688 Water mains, Federal, outside D. C ., appropriation for maintenance and operation --------------- 690 Expediting production, equipment and supplies for national defense, appro- priation rescission -------------- 572 Family allowances, restriction on use of funds for audit work respecting--- 572 Field Artillery. Office of Chief of, appro- priation rescission ------- _------ 573 Field exercises- Appropriation for---------------- 551 Appropriation rescission------------ 572 Finance Department- Appropriation for --------------- 70, 552 Transfers of funds to------------ 71 Appropriation rescissions---------- 573 Chief of Finance- Action as fiscal, disbursing, and accounting agent of Director of Office of Selective Service Records---------. --- ---- - - 32 Office of- Appropriation for ------------- 568 Appropriation rescission-- ----- 573 Claims- Appropriation for--------------- 555 Appropriation rescission---------- 573 Flying hours, maximum, in interstate air transportation, under Civil Aer- onautics Act of 1938, repeal of Act of April 29. 1942--------------- 450 "Flying officer," definition -------- -- 552 Foreign countries, funds for conducting investigations in- -------------- 569 Fort Rosecrans, Calif., use of federally owned lands as national cemetery, authorized ---------------- _--- - 742 CLVIII INDEX