Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/127

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SOTH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 81 -MAY 22, 1947 [CHAPTER 81] AN ACT To provide for assistance to Greece and Turkey. Whereas the Governments of Greece and Turkey have sought from the Government of the United States immediate financial and other assistance which is necessary for the maintenance of their national integrity and their survival as free nations; and Whereas the national integrity and survival of these nations are of importance to the security of the United States and of all freedom- loving peoples and depend upon the receipt at this time of assistance; and Whereas the Security Council of the United Nations has recognized the seriousness of the unsettled conditions prevailing on the border between Greece on the one hand and Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugo- slavia on the other, and, if the present emergency is met, may subsequently assume full responsibility for this phase of the prob- lem as a result of the investigation which its commission is cur- rently conducting; and Whereas the Food and Agriculture Organization mission for Greece recognized the necessity that Greece receive financial and economic assistance and recommended that Greece request such assistance from the appropriate agencies of the United Nations and from the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom; and Whereas the United Nations is not now in a position to furnish to Greece and Turkey the financial and economic assistance which is immediately required; and Whereas the furnishing of such assistance to Greece and Turkey by the United States will contribute to the freedom and inde- pendence of all members of the United Nations in conformity with the principles and purposes of the Charter: Now, therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstand- ing the provisions of any other law, the President may from time to time when he deems it in the interest of the United States furnish assistance to Greece and Turkey, upon request of their governlments, and upon terms and conditions determined by him- (1) by rendering financial aid in the form of loans, credits, grants, or otherwise, to those colutries; (2) by detailing to assist those countries any persons in the employ of the Government of the United States; and the pro- visions of the Act of May 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 442), as amended, applicable to personnel detailed pursuant to such Act, as amended, shall be applicable to personnel detailed pursuant to this para- graph: Provided, however, That no civilian personnel shall be assigned to Greece or Turkey to administer the purposes of this Act until such personnel have been investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; (3) by detailing a limited number of members of the military services of the United States to assist those countries, in an advisory capacity only; and the provisions of the Act of May 19, 1926 (44 Stat. 565), as amended, applicable to personnel detailed pursuant to such Act, as amended, shall be applicable to personnel detailed pursuant to this paragraph; (4) by providing for (A) the transfer to, and the procure- ment for by manufacture or otherwise and the transfer to, those countries of any articles, services, and information, and (B) the instruction and training of personnel of those countries; and May 22,1947 IS. 938] [Public Law 7i] Powers of Presi- dent. Financial aid. T)etail of U. S . ellm- ployces. U.S.C.§11Se. Investigation by FBI. Detail of military personnel. 10U. S.C. §540. Transfer of articles, etc.; instruction and training. 103 61 STAT.]