Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/136

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 82-MAY 26, 1947 60 Stat. 581. 60 Stat. 581. Ante, p. 69. 60 Stat. 582. Post, p. 700. Ante, p. 69; post, p. 700. 60 Stat. 583. 0 Stat. 583. 60 Stat. 586 OFFICE OF CHIEF INSPECTOR Clerks, $16,000. OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Clerks, first- and second-class post offices: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Clerks, first- and second-class post offices", $7,100,000, and, in addition, $2,900,000 to be derived by transfer in the following respective amounts from the appropriations "Salaries, Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General", $16,000; "Salaries, Office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General", $10,000; "Salaries, Office of the Chief Inspector", $12,000; "Salaries, Bureau of Accounts", $32,000; "Salaries of inspectors", $75,000; "Post-office inspectors, travel and miscellaneous expenses", $5,000; "Contract station service", $200,000; "Clerks, third-class post offices", $200,000; "Miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices", $50,000; "Special-delivery compensation and fees", $300,000; and "Rural Delivery Service", $2,000,000. Miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices, $500,000. City delivery carriers, $28,800,000. OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Star route service, $721,000, and, in addition, $152,000 to be derived by transfer from "Domestic Air Mail Service". Star route and air mail service, Alaska, $75,000. Railroad transportation and mail messenger service, $10,000,000, and, in addition, $2,500,000 to be derived by transfer from "Domestic Air Mail Service". Railway mail service, $4,554,800, and, in addition, $3,090,000 to be derived by transfer from "Domestic Air Mail Service". Foreign mail transportation, $11,691,000, and, in addition, $3,273,000 to be derived by transfer from "Domestic Air Mail Service". Railway postal clerks, travel allowance, $403,000. Railway Mail Service, travel expenses: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Railway Mail Service, travel expenses", $13,000, to be derived by transfer from "Domestic Air Mail Service". Indemnities, international mail, $3,000. Domestic Air Mail Service: The limitation on the amount available for supervisory officials and clerks at field headquarters is hereby increased from "$106,000" to "$124,000". OFFICE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Idemnities, domestic mail, $800,000. Unpaid money orders more than one year old, $441,000. OFFICE OF THE FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Rent, light, power, fuel and water, $160,000. Pneumatic-tube service, New York City and Boston, $31,000. Vehicle service, $3,506,700, and, in addition, $30,000 to be derived by transfer from "Transportation of equipment and supplies". PUBLC BUILDINGS, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Operating supplies, public buildings, $151,200. 112 [61 STAT.