Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/150

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 90--AY 31, 1947 Allocation of funds to Government agen- cies, etc. Additional civilian employees required by War Department. 59 Stat. 304; 60 Stat. 219. 5 U. S.C. §947. Furnishing of sup- plies by Government agencies, etc. Crediting of reim- bursements. Expenses of trans- porting supplies do- nated by relief agen- cies, etc. Procurement of sup- plies. Assurances from governments request- ing assistanee. such relief assistance, including expenses of or incident to the pro- curement, storage, transportation, and shipment of supplies trans- ferred under subsection (a) or of supplies purchased from credits established under subsection (a). (c) Funds authorized under this joint resolution may be allocated for any of the purposes of this joint resolution to any department, agency, or independent establishment of the Government and such sums shall be available for obligation and expenditure in accordance with the laws governing obligations and expenditures of the depart- ment, agency, or independent establishment, or organizational unit thereof concerned, and without regard to sections 3709 and 3648 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (U. S . C., 1940 edition, title 41, sec. 5, and title 31, sec. 529). (d) Such additional civilian employees as may be required by the War Department in connection with the furnishing of procurement, storage, transportation, and shipment services under this joint reso- lution and which services are paid for from funds herein authorized, shall not be counted as civilian employees within the meaning of sec- tion 607 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945, as amended by section 14 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946. (e) When any department, agency, or independent establishment of the Government receives request from the government of any coun- try for which credits have been established under subsection (a) and receives, from credits so established, advancements or reimburse- ments for the cost and necessary expenses, it may furnish, or pro- cure and furnish (if advancements are made), supplies within the category of relief assistance as defined in section 1 and may use sums so received for the purposes set forth in subsection (b) of this section. When any such reimbursement is made it shall be credited, at the option of the department, agency, or independent establish- ment concerned, either to the appropriation, fund, or account utilized in incurring the obligation, or to an appropriate appropriation, fund, or account which is current at the time of such reimbursement. (f) In order to supplement the general relief assistance made avail- able under the terms of section 1 and to effect the economical and expanded use of American voluntary relief contributions, funds authorized under this joint resolution, not to exceed $5,000,000, may be used to pay necessary expenses related to the ocean transportation of supplies donated to or purchased by American voluntary and non- profit relief agencies, and in such quantities and kinds and for such purposes as the President may determine to be essential supplements to the supplies provided for such general relief assistance. (g) The relief supplies provided under the terms of this joint reso- lution shall be procured and furnished by the appropriate United States procurement agencies unless the President shall determine otherwise. SEC. 3 . No relief assistance shall be provided under the authority of this joint resolution to the people of any country unless the gov- ernment of such country has given assurance satisfactory to the Presi- dent that (a) the supplies transferred or otherwise made available pursuant to this joint resolution, as well as similar supplies produced locally or imported from outside sources, will be distributed among the people of such country without discrimination as to race, creed, or political belief; (b) representatives of the Government of the United States and of the press and radio of the United States will be permitted to observe freely and to report fully regarding the dis- tribution and utilization of such supplies; (c) full and continuous publicity will be given within such country as to the purpose, source, character, scope, amounts and progress of the United States relief 126 [61 STAT.