Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/152

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 90, 91-MAY 31, 1947 Termination by Congress. Supplies not fur- nished on terms of repayment in dollars; condition. Reports to Con- gress. ferred or otherwise made available pursuant to this joint resolution, or similar supplies produced locally or imported from outside sources, are being exported or removed from such country. (b) Relief assistance to the people of any country, under this joint resolution, shall, unless sooner terminated by the President, be ter- minated whenever such termination is directed by concurrent resolu- tion of the two Houses of the Congress. SEC. 6. To the extent that relief supplies procured with funds authorized under this joint resolution are not furnished on terms of repayment in dollars, they shall be furnished only upon condition that the government of the receiving country agree that when it sells such relief supplies for local currency (a) the amounts of such local currency will be deposited by it in a special account; (b) such account will be used within such country, as a revolving fund, until June 30, 1948, only upon the approval of the duly authorized representative of the United States, for relief and work relief purposes, including local currency expenses of the United States incident to the furnish- ing of relief; and (c) any unencumbered balance remaining in such account on June 30, 1948, will be disposed of within such country for such purposes as the United States Government, pursuant to Act or joint resolution of the Congress, may determine. SEc. 7. The President shall submit to the Congress quarterly reports of expenditures and activities under authority of this joint resolution. Approved May 31, 1947. [CHAPTER 91] May 31, 1947 [8. 854] [Public Law 85] Defense housing, amendment. 60 Stat. 85 . Availability of funds. 59 Stat. 260. 42U. .C..§ 1571- 16573. Supra. 59 Stat. 260 . 42 U. S. C. I§1571- 1573. Supra. 60 Stat. 85 . 42U. S. C. 1572 (d). AN ACT To amend section 502 (a) of the Act entitled "An Act to expedite the provision of housing in connection with national defense, and for other purposes". Be it enacted by the Senate and Hotse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 502 (a) of the Act entitled "An Act to expedite the provision of housing in connection with national defense, and for other purposes", approved October 14, 1940, as amended (42 U. S . C . 1572 (a)), is amended by striking out "$410,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$445,500,000". SEC. 2. That the additional funds herein authorized shall be available to carry out the purposes of sections 501, 502. and 503 of said Act of October 14, 1940, as amended, but shall be available only for necessary expenses in (1) completing the provision of temporary housing for which a contract in writing with any educational institution, State or political subdivision thereof, local public agency, or nonprofit organiza- tion had been made prior to the enactment hereof pursuant to title V of said Act of October 14,1940, as amended: Provided,That such addi- tional funds shall not be available for completing suspended units with respect to which, prior to April 1, 1947, no expenditures were made by the Administrator or the only expenditures made by the Administrator were for dismantling or dismantling and transporta- tion, and (2) reimbursing any such educational institution, State or political subdivision thereof, local public agency, or nonprofit organ- ization (a) for funds expended by it in completing any such temporary housing (exclusive of the costs of site acquisition and preparation, or the installation of streets and utility mains), or (b) for the cost of utility and other work in connection with any such temporary housing performed by it for the Administrator on a reimbursable basis pursuant to section 502 (d) of said Act of October 14, 1940, as amended, and (3) making payment, to such educational institutions, States or political subdivisions thereof, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations 128 [61 STAT.