Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/21

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 315 -_ Tariff Ac, 1930, amendment. JOINT RESOLUTION To amend paragraph 1772 of the Tariff Act of 1930----------_- 316 --- Veterans' Administration, claims. AN ACT To amend section 200 of Public Law 844, Seventy-fourth Congress, June 29, 1936, to permit recognition of officers and enlisted men retired from the military and naval forces of the United States as re- presentatives of certain organizations in the presentation of claims to the Veterans' Administration -__________________ 317 --- School facilities, contributions. AN ACT To extend the period for providing assistance for certain war-incurred school en- rollments -- ____.-. _ . __ . -- ----- ----- _- ----- ---- --_ ---- 318 -_- Treasury Department, continuation of certain accounts. AN ACT To provide for the orderly transaction of the public business in the event of the death, resignation, or separation from office of regional disbursing officers of the Treasury Department .- ____________________ _____________ 319 --- Naval vessels. AN ACT To authorize conversions of certain naval vessels ---- ---

___________________ 320 __- Federal Crop Insurance Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act -_______ ________ ________ _ 321 _ --Disbursing officers, relief. AN ACT To authorize relief of accountable officers of the Government, and for other pur- poses --------------------------- . . -- . -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - - 322 --- D . C. Emergency Rent Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the District of Columbia rent control law so as to provide that schools and universities may recover possession of housing accommodations in certain cases

________________ 323 --- Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1938, peanuts. AN ACT To amend the peanut marketing quota provisions of the Agricul- tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended ----------- ___..- 324 --- Federal Tort Claims Act amendment. AN ACT To amend the Federal Tort Claims Act______________ 325 --_ Veterans' PreferenceAct, 1944 amendment. AN ACT To amend section 14 of the Veterans' Preference Act of June 27, 1944 (58 Stat 387) ----- ___- 326 -__ Paxon Field, Fla. AN ACT Relating to the sale of Paxon Field, Duval County, Florida--__ ____ 327 -- _ Marine Corps Memorial Commission. JOINT RESOLUTION To establish a commission to formulate plans for the erection, in Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois, of a Marine Corps memorial_ 328 --- Mine safety measures. JOINT RESOLUTION Relating to safety in bituminous-coal and lignite mines of the United States-------------. .. 329 -.- Fishing resources of Territoriesand island possessions. AN ACT To provide for the exploration, investigation, development and maintenance of the fishing resources and development of the high seas fishing industry of the Territories and island possessions of the United States in the tropical and subtrop- ical Pacific Ocean and intervening seas, and for other purposes... 330 -- Federal Employees Pay Act, 1946, amendment. AN ACT To exclude certain interns, student nurses and other student- employees of hospitals of the- Federal Government from the Classification Act and other laws relating to compensation and benefits of Federal employees, and for other purposes ---- 331 ___ Rio Grande, bridge. AN ACT To extend the times for commenc- ing and completing the construction of a toll bridge across the Rio Grande, at or near Rio Grande City, Texas --__. ___. _- 332 - Tuberculosis sanatorium, Galen, Mont. AN ACT Authorizing an appropriation for the construction, extension, and improve- ment of a State tuberculosis sanatorium at Galen, Montana, to provide facilities for the treatment of tuberculous Indians in Montana---------------

--- ----- ----- 333 ___ G . F . Allen and others, credit in accounts AN ACT For the relief of G. F . Allen, former Chief Disbursing Officer, Treasury Department, and for other purposes ----------- 334 -__ Recorder of Deeds, D. C. AN ACT To authorize the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia to purchase machines for the recording of deeds, and for other purposes------- 335 --- Laguna Band of Mission Indians, Calif. AN ACT Authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to the surviving members of the Laguna Band of Mission Indians of Californmia ... _ Date Aug. 1, 1947- .. Aug. 1, 1947--- Aug. 1, 1947- _ Aug. Aug. Aug. 1, 1947-_ _ 1, 1947-_ _ 1, 1947-__ Aug. 1,1947--- Aug. 1,1947-_ _ Aug. 1,1947-_ _ Aug. 1,1947- __ Aug. 4,1947- __ Aug. 4,1947- _ _ Aug. 4,1947--- Aug. 4,1947-. . Aug. 4,1947- . . Aug. 4,1947-- _ Aug.4, 1947--_ Aug.4, 1947- __ Aug. 4, 1947- __ Aug.4, 1947-_ _ Page 716 716 716 717 718 718 720 721 721 722 723 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 729 730 Aug. 4, 1947-. 731 xxii