Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/214

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PUBLIC LAWS--CHS. 159-161-JUNE 28, 1947 [CHAPTER 159] [61 STAT. June281947 JOINT RESOLUTION [...Res.125] To strengthen the common defense and to meet industrial needs for tin by [Public Law 125] providing for the maintenance of a domestic tin-smelting industry. Tin. Study and investi- gation by Congress. Continuation of powers, etc. exer- cised by RFC. Report to Congress. June 28 1947 [H. R. 339s] [Public Law 126] ii 1851-1855. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) tin is a highly strategic and critical material of which insufficient ore reserves exist in the United States and of which an adequate supply is vital to the Nation's industrial, military, and naval requirements for the common defense. (b) Tin is now and for the immediate future will remain in supply short of the requirements of this country's industrial, military, and naval needs. (c) It is necessary in the public interest and to promote the common defense that Congress make a thorough study and investigation regard- ing the advisability of the maintenance on a permanent basis of a domestic tin-smelting industry and to study the availability of sup- plies of tin adequate to meet the industrial, military, and naval require- ment of the Nation in time of national emergency. SEC. 2 . The powers, functions, duties, and authority of the United States heretofore exercised by the Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion (1) to buy, sell, and transport tin, and tin ore and concentrates; (2) to improve, develop, maintain, and operate by lease or otherwise the Government-owned tin smelter at Texas City, Texas; (3) to finance research in tin smelting and processing; and (4) to do all other things necessary to the accomplishment of the foregoing shall continue in effect until June 30, 1949, or until such earlier time as the Congress shall otherwise provide, and shall be exercised and performed by the Recon- struction Finance Corporation while that Corporation has succession, and thereafter by such officer, agency, or instrumentality of the United States as the President may designate. SEC. 3 . The Reconstruction Finance Corporation or the officer, agency, or instrumentality of the United States subsequently desig- nated by the President shall render a full report to Congress on all its activities under this joint resolution not later than December 31. 1947, and at the end of each six months thereafter. Approved June 28, 1947. [CHAPTER 160] AN ACT To extend the period of validity of the Act to facilitate the admission into the United States of the alien fiancees or fiances of members of the armed forces of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatices of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the authority conferred upon the Secretary of State and the Attorney General under the provisions of the Act approved June 29, 1946 (60 Stat. 339), shall be extended to December 31,1947, midnight. Approved June 28, 1947. [CHAPTER 161] June 28,1947 AN ACT [H. R . 39111 To continue temporary authority of the Maritime Commission until March 1, 1948. [Public Law 127] U. S . Maritime Commission. Post, p. 697 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the paragraph under the head, "United States Maritime Commission" in title I of the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946 (Public Law 521, 190