Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/216

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 162-JUNE 28, 1947 Consent of parents, further, That no person under the age of eighteen years shall be enlisted age 18. without the written consent of his parents or guardian, and the Secre- tary of War shall, upon the application of the parents or guardian of any such person enlisted without their written consent, discharge such person from the military service with pay and with the form of discharge certificate to which the service of such person, after Right to reenrist- enlistment, shall entitle him: Provided further, That nothing con- visionsolaw. tained in this Act shall be construed to deprive any person of any right to reenlistment in the Regular Army under any other provision Enlistment con- of law. No person who is serving under an enlistment contracted on tracted on or after June 1, 5. ter or after June 1, 1945, shall be entitled, before the expiration of the period of such enlistment, to enlist for an enlistment period which will expire before the expiration of the enlistment period for which he dieearseOntsofdiis so serving: Provided further, That any enlisted person discharged from the Regular Army who upon such discharge is recommended for reenlistment shall be permitted to reenlist with the rank held by him at the time of his discharge if he reenlists within a period to be specified by the Secretary of War but not to exceed three months from the date of such discharge: And provided further, That any enlisted person discharged from the Regular Army by reason of acceptance of his resignation shall not be entitled upon subsequent reenlistment to the rank, rating, or grade held at the time of discharge. Promotions to sixth SEC. 2 . Any person who enlists or reenlists in the Regular Military grEstablishment on or after June 1, 1945, in the seventh grade, upon the completion of recruit training, but not later than four months subse- quent to the date of enlistment, shall, unless sooner promoted, be pro- moted to the sixth grade, provided he meets such qualifications as may be prescribed in regulations promulgated by the Secretary of War: Back pay or allow- Provided, That no back pay or allowance shall accrue to any person by reason of enactment of this section. SEC. 3 . Section 2 of the National Defense Act, as amended (10 39 stat. i66 . U. S . C. 4,602), is further amended by deleting the last sentence thereof. S7 SUat 3 . fC. fa, SEC. 4 . Paragraph 4 of section 10 of the Pay Readjustment Act of no. 1942 is hereby amended by substituting a colon for the period at the Pot, p. 242. end of such paragraph and by adding immediately after such colon Reenlistment allow- the following: "Provided further, That in addition to such enlistment ance allowance, any person enlisting for an unspecified period of time shall be paid the sum of $50 upon the completion of each year of service of such reenlistment, and any person who resigns or is discharged from such enlistment for an unspecified period of time shall not thereafter be entitled to any additional enlistment or reenlistment allowance based on any period served in such enlistment for an unspecified period of time." 4 Stat. 896;42tat. SEC. 5. Effective July 1, 1947, sections 653 and 653a of title 10, United States Code, are repealed and all other laws and parts of laws insofar as they are inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this Act are likewise repealed. SEC. 6. Subsection 1 (b) of the Mustering-Out Payment Act of 1944 8 Stat. 8. (38 U. S . C ., Supp. V . 691a) is amended by striking out the word "and" at the end of subsection (7) thereof, inserting a semicolon in lieu of the period after subsection (8) thereof, and adding the following: "and (9) any person entering upon active service, or enlisting, on or after the first day of the first month after the approval of the Act adding this subsection." 32 U.tS. C.17 , 4, SEO. 7. Sections 57 and 58 of the National Defense Act, as amended, 4a. are further amended by striking out the words "eighteen" therefrom and substituting therefor the words "seventeen" in each of the said sections. Approved June 28, 1947. [61 STAT.