Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/230

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206 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 166-JUNE 30, 1947 [61 STAT. Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. Thereupon the Corporation shall be dissolved and its capital stock shall be canceled and retired. Transfer of duty of "SE. 10. If at the expiration of the succession of the Corporation, tion, etc. its board of directors shall not have completed the liquidation of its assets and the winding up of its affairs, the duty of completing such liquidation and winding up of its affairs shall be transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury, who for such purpose shall succeed to all the powers and duties of the board of directors under this Act. In such event he may assign to any officer or officers of the United States in the Treasury Department the exercise and performance, under his general supervision and direction, of any such powers and duties. Report to Congress, When the Secretary of the Treasury shall find that such liquidation etc. will no longer be advantageous to the United States and that all of the Corporation's legal obligations have been provided for, he shall retire any capital stock then outstanding, pay into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts the unused balance of the moneys belonging to the Corporation, and make a final report to the Congress. There- upon the Corporation shall be deemed to be dissolved. Penalty for false "SEC. 11. (a) Whoever makes any statement knowing it to be false, statement etc. or whoever willfully overvalues any security, for the purpose of obtain- ing for himself or for any applicant any loan, or extension thereof by removal, deferment of action or otherwise, or the acceptance, release, or substitution of security therefor, or for the purpose of influencing in any way the action of the Corporation, or for the purpose of obtaining money, property, or anything of value, under this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000 or by imprison- ment for not more than two years, or both. Penalty for oun- "(b) Whoever (1) falsely makes, forges, or counterfeits any note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or coupon, in imitation of or purporting to be a note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or coupon, issued by the Corporation; or (2) passes, utters, or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter or publish, any false, forged or counterfeited note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or coupon, purporting to have been issued by the Corporation, knowing the same to be false, forged, or counterfeited; or (3) falsely alters any note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or coupon, issued or purporting to have been issued by the Corporation; or (4) passes, utters, or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter, or publish, as true any falsely altered or spurious note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or coupon, issued or purporting to have been issued by the Corporation, knowing the same to be falsely altered or spurious, or any person who willfully violates any other provision of this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. ienaltyetf embez- "(c) Whoever, being connected in any capacity with the Corpo- ration, (1) embezzles, abstracts, purloins, or willfully misapplies any moneys, funds, securities, or other things of value, whether belonging to it or pledged or otherwise entrusted to it; or (2) with intent to defraud the Corporation or any other body politic or corporate, or any individual, or to deceive any officer, auditor, or examiner of the Corporation, makes any false entry in any book, report, or statement of or to the Corporation, or, without being duly authorized, draws any order or issues, puts forth, or assigns any note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment, or decree thereof; or (3) with intent to defraud participates, shares, receives directly or indirectly any money, profit, property, or benefit through any transaction, loan, commission, contract, or any other act