Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/234

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PUBLIC LAWS--CS. 167-169-JUNE 30, 1947 [CHAPTER 167] TnTTNT R'Rfi(nT.TT'TnT June 30, 1947 J i [H. J. Res. 167] To recognize uncompensated services rendered the Nation under the Selective [Public Law 133] Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, and for other purposes. Seectiv rv Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United System. e Ser States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress declares Cratificates of s- that many members of local boards, boards of appeal, Government sated personnel. appeal agents, examining physicians and dentists, and other uncom- pensated personnel of the Selective Service System have, in a manner which is an example of patriotism, served the United States in the 5o u. .t c app. administration of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as U301-318. amended. This service has been voluntary and uncompensated and in many cases has resulted in great sacrifices on the part of these citizens. That in accordance with the historic policy of the United States to recognize and publicly acknowledge the gratitude of the people and the Government of the United States for patriotic service, the Director of Selective Service is directed to issue to such uncompensated per- sonnel of the Selective Service System, upon the expiration of the Spra. Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, suitable certificates of separation. Approved June 30, 1947. June 30, 1947 [H. R . 1362] [Public Law 134] Warrant officers, Navy or Marine Corps June 30, 1947 [H. . 1807] [Public Law 135] Pittsburg County, Okla. Conveyance. [CHAPTER 168] AN ACT To permit certain naval personnel to count all active service rendered under tem- porary appointment as warrant or commissioned officers in the United States Navy and the United States Naval Reserve, or in the United States Marine Corps and the United States Marine Corps Reserve, for purposes of promotion to commissioned warrant officer in the United States Navy or the United States Marine Corps, respectively. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the UnitedStates of America in Congress assembled, That all active serv- ice, for purposes other than training, under a permanent or temporary appointment as warrant or commissioned officer in the Regular or Reserve forces of the United States Navy or the United States Marine Corps shall be included in the computation of the six-year period of service required for eligibility for promotion from warrant officer to commissioned warrant officer, with permanent appointment, in the service in which the permanent or temporary appointment was held: Provided, That no back pay or allowances shall be allowed by reason of the passage of this Act. Approved June 30, 1947. [CHAPTER 169] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to grant to the county of Pittsburg, Oklahoma, a perpetual easement for the construction, maintenance, and oper- ation of a public highway over a portion of the United States naval ammunition depot, McAlester, Oklahoma. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to grant and convey to the county of Pittsburg, State of Oklahoma, upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe, a perpetual easement for the construc- tion, maintenance, and operation of a public highway upon and over a strip of land containing three and twenty-two one-hundredths acres, being a portion of the United States naval ammunition depot, McAlester, Oklahoma, the metes and bounds description of which is on file in the Navy Department. Approved June 30, 1947. 210 [61 STAT.