Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/259

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CHS. 188, 189-JULY 1, 1947 That surplus production over the amount furnished, or sold to the armed forces of the United States and to civilians serving with the armed forces may only be sold outside the continental limits of the United States: And provided further, That no land shall be acquired under this authorization. "SEC. 2 . After the termination of the present war the management, operation, maintenance, and improvement of any plantation or farm for which appropriations made available by this Act are used shall be accomplished, insofar as practicable, through the instrumentality of a private contractor, lessee, or operator with or for the Government, and, to this end the Secretary of War, with respect to Army affairs, and the Secretary of the Navy, with respect to Navy affairs, shall make reasonable effort to enter into said contract, lease, or agreement with a person, partnership, or association, in civil life for his or its services upon terms advantageous to the Government, for such man- agement, operation, maintenance, and improvement before employing Army, Navy, or Marine Corps personnel for that purpose: Provided, That the determination of the Secretary of War, in regard to Army matters, and the Secretary of the Navy, in regard to Navy matters, as to reasonableness of effort to enter into such contract, lease, or agree- ment, and as to the advantageous nature of the terms thereof shall be final." Approved July 1, 1947. [CHAPTER 1891 AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to appoint, for supply duty only, officers of the line of the Marine Corps, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That officers of the line of the Marine Corps of the permanent or temporary grades of captain, major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel may, upon application, and with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, be assigned to supply duty only: Provided, That when so assigned they shall retain the lineal position and precedence which they hold at the time of assignment or may later attain and shall be promoted, retired, and discharged in like manner and with the same relative conditions in all respects as on the date of passage of this Act, or as thereafter may be provided for other officers of the line of the Marine Corps, except as otherwise provided by law: Provided further, That the recommenda- tion of selection boards in the cases of officers assigned to such duty shall be based upon their comparative fitness to perform the duties prescribed for them: And provided further,That officers of the perma- nent or temporary grades of captain, major lieutenant colonel, and colonel assigned to supply duty only in accordance with this Act shall on assignment and on promotion up to and including the grade of brigadier general, be carried as additional numbers in grade. SEC. 2 . The number of officers so assigned in accordance with this Act shall be in accordance with the requirements of the service as deter- mined by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided,That all officers of the Marine Corps now assigned to assistant quartermaster duty only and assistant paymaster duty only are hereby assigned to supply duty only, without change in their lineal positions and precedence solely as a result of such change of assignment. SEC. 3 . The head of the Supply Department shall have the title of "Quartermaster General of the Marine Corps" and shall, while so serv- ing have the rank, pay, and allowances of a major general, and shall be in addition to the number of general officers otherwise provided by 235 Sale of surplus pro- duction. No land acquisi- tions. Management by private contractors, etc. Finality of determi- nations by Secretaries of War and Navy. July 1, 1947 IH. R . 1371] [Public Law 1501 Marine Corps. Assignment of offi- cers of the line to sup- ply duty. Retention of lineal position, etc. Basis of recommen- dation by selection boards. Additional num bers In grade. Number of officers assigned. Officers assigned to assistant quartermas- ter duty, etc. Title of head at Supply Department, etc.