Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/28

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Jan. 31 , 1947 PUBLIC LAWS--CHS. 1 - 19,1947 Feb. 1, 19, 1947 Appropriations available. 60 Stat. 388. House of Repre, sentatives. Employees of abol- ished committees. 60 Stat. 812 . 2U.S.C. §72anote. Employees of com- mittees not abolished. Supra. Appropriations available. 60 Stat. 393 . 60 Stat. 834, 839. 2U.S. C.§§ 60aand note, 261 note, 74b. Repeal. 60 Btat. 911. sooner removed for cause by the Secretary of the Senate; and such employees shall perform such duties as the Secretary of the Senate shall prescribe; (3) the appropriations for the compensation of employees of Senators and of committee employees of standing committees of the Senate contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1947, shall be available for the compensation of employees specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) and of the elected officers of the Senate; (4) employees of any standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Seventy-ninth Congress, which is abolished by operation of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (except in the case of the death or resignation of any such employee) shall continue on the rolls through January 31, 1947, unless sooner removed for cause by the Clerk of the House of Representatives; (5) employees of any standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Seventy-ninth Congress which is not abolished by operation of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (except in the case of the death or resignation of any such employee) shall continue on the rolls until January 31, 1947, unless otherwise directed by action of such committee; and (6) the appropriations for "Salaries, officers and employees, House of Representatives", as contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1947, shall be available in such amounts and under such regulations as may be approved by the Committee on House Administration for compensation of employees of the standing committees of the House of Representatives of the Eightieth Congress, except the Committee on Appropriations, and shall be available for the compensation of officers and employees of the House of Representatives as authorized by section 201 and section 244 of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. (b) The proviso under the caption "Senate" in the First Supple- mental Appropriation Act, 1947, approved August 8, 1946, is hereby repealed, effective as of August 8, 1946. Approved January 31, 1947. [CHAPTER 2] February 1, 1947 [H. J. Res. 57] [Public Law 2] 60 Stat. 306 . 26 U. S. 0. 13126 (a). February 19, 1947 [S. J. Res. 4] [Public Law 3] 60 Stat. 388. JOINT RESOLUTION Extending for fifteen months the period of time during which alcohol plants are permitted to produce sugars or sirups simultaneously with the production of alcohol. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3126 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to emergency production of sugars and sirups in industrial alcohol plants) is amended by striking out "February 1, 1947," and inserting in lieu thereof "April 30, 1948 5'. Approved February 1, 1947. [CHAPTER 3] JOINT RESOLUTION Relating to the salaries of certain Senate employees. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) in the case of any position under the Senate for which additional compensation is pro- vided for in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act 1947 "so long as the position is held by the present incumbent", the salary provided in such Act, including such additional compensation, shall be payable 4 [61 STAT.