Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/304

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 211-JULY 9, 1947 the Secretary of State; $30,067,250, of which $2,000 is for claims deter- mined and settled pursuant to part 2 of the Federal Tort Claims Act 26 Stat. 843. 21 (Act of August 2,1946, Public Law 601) : Provided,That not to exceed 28 U.S.C. if 921, o 922. $3,000 of this appropriation may be expended for necessary expenses, except personal services, in carrying out the provisions of section 4 of 48 Stat. 945. the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Tariff Act of 1930", approved Conterats for useof June 12, 1934, as amended (19 U. S . C . 1354) : Provided further, That wave radio stations. notwithstanding the provisions of section 3679 of the Revised Statutes 31 U. S . C . § 665 (31 U. S . C . 665), the Department of State is authorized in making con- note. tracts for the use of international short-wave radio stations and facilities, to agree on behalf of the United States to indemnify the owners and operators of said radio stations and facilities from such funds as may be hereafter appropriated for the purpose, against loss or damage on account of injury to persons or property arising from ersaserv such use of said radio stations and facilities: Providedfurther, That not to exceed $1,157,000 of the funds allocated to the International Broadcasting Division from this appropriation shall be available for personal services. Printing and binding, Department of State: For printing and binding in the Department of State except as otherwise provided for, $960,000. Collecting and editing official papers of Territories of the United States: For the expenses of collecting, editing, copying, and arranging for publication the official papers of the Territories of the United States, including personal services in the District of Columbia, print- ing and binding, and traveling expenses, as provided by the Act of 59 Stat. 510 . July 31 1945 (5 U. S. C. 168d), $30,000. dispolusa property Surplus property disposal: For necessary expenses to enable the Department of State to carry out its functions and activities relative to disposition of surplus property pursuant to the provisions of the 50U.S. . app. Surplus Property Act of 1944 (50 U. S . C . 1611-1646), as amended, §lP- 16 i. including personal services in the District of Columbia and employ- ment of persons outside the continental limits of the United States without regard to civil-service and classification laws; attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the activity for which this appropriation is made; cost of living and living quarters allowances and transportation of families and effects including cost of living allowance for military personnel assigned or detailed to the Depart- ment, all under such regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe; temporary services as authorized by section 15 of the Act 60UStt. 810. of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600); payment of rent in foreign 5I. S .C. l a. countries in advance; printing and binding, including printing and binding outside the continental limits of the United States without 40 Stat. i27 . regard to section 11 of the Act of March 1, 1919 (44 U. S . C. 111); hire of passenger motor vehicles: advertising without regard to section 44 U. S. C . 324. 3828 of the Revised Statutes: $2,650,000. Pomt. p. 622. North Atlantic Fisheries: For necessary expenses of surveys, discus- sions, and other preliminary activties incident to the negotiation of an international agreement relating to conservation of the North Atlantic fisheries, $25,000. FOREIGN SERVICE Pot, pp.60, 622. Salaries and expenses, Foreign Service: For necessary expenses as Stat. 999. 8 authorized by the Foreign Service Act of 1946, Public Law 724 (except 22U.S.C.if801,. et q., 10401-1047, l 061 title VII. sections 701, 702, 703, 704, 706, 707, title VIII, and section 1131. 901 of title IX), including repairs, alterations, preservation, and maintenance of Government-owned and leased diplomatic and consular properties in foreign countries, including minor construction on 41U. s. C. . Government-owned properties, without regard to section 3709 of the 280 [61 STAT.