Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/31

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61 STAT.] SOTH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CHS. 7 , 8-FEB . 26, 28, 1947 SEC. 3. Section 1004 (a) (2) of such code (relating to deductions for purposes of gift tax) is amended by striking out the period at the end of subparagraph (E), and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon, and by adding after subparagraph (E) a new subparagraph to read as follows: "(F) the United Nations, but only if such gifts (i) are to be used exclusively for the acquisition of a site in the city of New York for its headquarters, and (ii) are made after December 1, 1946, and before December 2, 1947." SEC. 4. Section 1004 (b) of such code (relating to deductions for purposes of gift tax) is amended by striking out the period at the end of paragraph (6), and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon, and by adding after paragraph (6) a new paragraph to read as follows: "(7) the United Nations, but only if such gifts (A) are to be used exclusively for the acquisition of a site in the city of New York for its headquarters, and (B) are made after December 1, 1946, and before December 2, 1947." SEC. 5. The first sentence of section 812 (d) and the first sentence of section 861 (a) (3) of such code (relating to transfers for public, etc., uses) are hereby amended by inserting after the words "to influence legislation" a comma and the words: "or to or for the use of the United Nations, but only if such bequests, legacies, devises, or transfers to or for the use of the United Nations are to be used exclu- sively for the acquisition of a site in the city of New York for its headquarters, and the death of the decedent occurred after December 1, 1946, and before December 2, 1947". Approved February 26, 1947. 7 53 Stat. 147. 26U. S.C.§1004 (a) (2) (E). 53 Stat. 148 . 26 U. S. C. §1004 (b) (6). 53 Stat. 124 130 . 26U.S.C.§812 (d), 861 (a) (3). [CHAPTER 8] AN ACT February 28, 1947 To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to cooperate with the Government of [S. ,S] Mexico in the control and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest. [Public Law 8] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to cooperate with the Government of Mexico in carrying out operations or measures to eradicate, suppress, or control, or to prevent or retard, foot-and-mouth disease or rinder- pest in Mexico where he deems such action necessary to protect the livestock and related industries of the United States. In performing the operations or measures herein authorized, the Government of Mexico shall be responsible for the authority necessary to carry out such operations or measures on all lands and properties in Mexico and for such other facilities and means as in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture are necessary. The measure and character of coop- eration carried out under this Act on the part of the United States and on the part of the Government of Mexico, including the expendi- ture or use of funds appropriated pursuant to this Act, shall be such as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Arrangements for the cooperation authorized by this Act shall be made through and in consultation with the Secretary of State. The authority contained in this Act is in addition to and not in substitution for the authority of existing law. SEC. 2. For purposes of this Act, funds appropriated pursuant thereto may also be used for the purchase or hire of passenger motor vehicles and aircraft, for printing and binding without regard to sec- tion 87 of the Act of January 12, 1895, or section 11 of the Act of March 1, 1919 (U. S. C., title 44, sec. 111), for personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere without regard to the limita- Cooperation with Mexico to control foot-and-mouth dis- ease, etc. Responsibility of Mexico. Arrangements with Secretary of State. Use of funds. 28 Stat. 622; 40 Stat. 1270.