Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/316

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 211-JULY 9, 1947 naturalization, and alien registration; personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia; a health service program as authorized by the 60 S.tat. 150. Act of August 8, 1946, Public Law 658; care, detention, maintenance, transportation, and other expenses incident to the deportation, removal, and exclusion of aliens in the United States and to, through, or in foreign countries; payment of rewards for information leading to the apprehension or conviction of violators of the immigration laws; traveling expenses, including not to exceed $5,000 for attend- ance at meetings concerned with the purposes of this appropriation; purchase for replacement only of two hundred and twenty-five and hire of passenger motor vehicles; purchase (not to exceed four), maintenance, and operation of aircraft; firearms and ammunition; citizenship textbooks for free distribution; refunds of head tax, maintenance bills, immigration fines, and other items properly returnable, except deposits of aliens who become public charges and Mitnead fees of deposits to secure payment of fines and passage money; mileage and fees of witnesses subpenaed on behalf of the United States; steno- graphic reporting services by contract as authorized by section 15 U.otS.t .Ime. of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 6'00); and operation, r maintenance, remodeling, and repair of buildings and the purchase overtimes for. Of equipment incident thereto; $27,000,000: Provided, That none of the funds appropriated for the Immigration and Naturalization t2 Service shall be used to pay compensation for overtime services au.s.Coa.olet. other than as provided in the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945 Po, p.. (Public Law 106, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session) and the Fed- tt. 216.e eral Employees Pay Act of 1946 (Public Law 390, Seventy-ninth ioursement Of Congress, second session): Provided further, That the Attorney oopeatfn ageniOs8. General may transfer to, or reimburse, any other department, agency, or office of Federal, State, or local governments, funds in such amounts as may be necessary for salaries and expenses incurred by them in rendering authorized assistance t o the Department of Justice in connection with the administration and enforcement of said laws; Alien nemie. for all necessary expenses, incident to the maintenance, care, deten- tion, surveillance, parole, and transportation of alien enemies and their wives and dependent children, including transportation and other expenses in the return of such persons to place of bona fide residence or to such other place as may be authorized by the Attor- ney General, advance of cash to aliens for meals and lodging while en route, and for the payment of wages to alien enemy detainees for work performed under conditions prescribed by the Geneva Con- owned hopriately vention: Provided further, That the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization may contract with officers and employees for the use, on official business, of privately owned horses: Providedfurther, 1B0P1n. That provisions of law prohibiting or restricting the employment of aliens in the Government service shall not apply to the employment of interpreters in the Immigration and Naturalization Service (not to exceed ten permanent and such temporary employees as are required from time to time) where competent citizen interpreters are not available. FEDERAL PISOIN SYSTEM Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Prisons: For salaries and travel expenses in the District of Columbia and elsewhere in connection with the supervision of the maintenance and care of United States prisoners, $420,000: Proied, That not to exceed $3,500 of this amount shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Bureau of Prisons when incurred on the written author- ization of the Attorney General. Salaries and expenses, penal and correctional institutions: For expenses necessary for the support of prisoners, and the maintenance [61 STAT.