Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/318

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 211-JULY 9, 1947 and for repairs, betterments, and improvements of United States jails, including sidewalks; $1,750,000. OFBICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY Office of Alien Property: The Attorney General, or such officer as he may designate, is hereby authorized to pay out of any funds or other property or interest vested in him or transferred to him pursuant 40 Stat. 4 p. to or with respect to the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, Il US. 1917, as amended (50 U. S. C. App .), necessary expenses incurred in PO, .787 carrying out the powers and duties conferred on the Attorney General Admistrative ex- pursuant to said Act: Provided,That not to exceed $3,700,000 shall be available for the entire fiscal year 1948 for the general administrative expenses of the Office of Alien Property, including the salary of the Director of the Office at $10,000 per annum; printing and binding; not to exceed $5,500 for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail; rent in the District of Columbia; not to exceed $70,000 for temporary services as authorized by section 15 50u.s.o.s . of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600); personal services in the District of Columbia; traveling expenses, including attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of the agency: Reportto Conge. Proviedfurther, That on or before November 1, 1947, the Attorney General shall make a report to the Appropriations Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives giving detailed information on all administrative and nonadministrative expenses incurred during the fiscal year 1947, in connection with the activities of the Office of Alien Property. aymont of per None of the money appropriated by this title shall be used to pay any witness or bailiff more than one per diem for any one day's service, even though he serves in more than one of such capacities on the same day. License require- None of the funds appropriated by this title may be used to pay ment for attorneys. the compensation of any person hereafter employed as an attorney unless such person shall be duly licensed and authorized to practice as an attorney under the laws of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia. vet buamet t Sixty per centum of the expenditures for the offices of the United States district attorney and the United States marshal for the District of Columbia from all appropriations in this title shall be reimbursed to the United States from any funds in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia. Proremntofw- In the procurement of lawbooks, books of reference, and periodicals, bokset. the Department of Justice is authorized to exchange or sell similar items and apply the exchange allowances or proceeds of sales in such cases in whole or in part payment therefor. Citaton of title. This title may be cited as the "Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1948". Departmentof TITLE III-DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ation Act, 1948. Aite, pp. 118, 187, OlrPTC O THE SBCRETAB 188, 245; po,, pp. 361, as, MDB,618, 619, OM o,8M, 61819, . Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses of the Office of the P, P. 3. Secretary of Commerce (hereafter in this title referred to as the Secretary) including personal services in the District of Columbia; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 a.u s.. a. (Public Law 600), at rates for individuals not to exceed $50 per diem; teletype news service (not exceeding $1,000); purchase of one passen- ger motor vehicle (not exceeding $3,000); $944,483. Pt pp. 6M,6. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Depart- ment, except for technical and scientifi services in the Office of the 294 [61 STAT.