Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/398

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 262-JULY 17, 1947 Photoduplicating. 68 Stat. 394. 39 U.S. C. 321d. 42 Stat. 1488 . 5U..C. 661et seq. Incidental expenses. Citizenship require- ments, exemptions. Post, p. 608 . Office and the decisions of the United States courts involving copyrights, $35,000. Printing catalogue cards: For the printing of catalogue cards and of miscellaneous publications relating to the distribution of catalogue cards, and for duplication of catalogue cards by methods other than printing, $400,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE LIBRARY For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, stationery, office supplies, stock and materials directly purchased, miscellaneous traveling expenses, postage, transportation, incidental expenses con- nected with the administration of the Library and Copyright Office, including not exceeding $500 for expenses of attendance at meetings when incurred on the written authority and direction of the Librarian, $40,000. For personal services, paper, chemicals, and miscellaneous supplies necessary for the operation of the photoduplicating machines of the Library and the making of photoduplicate prints, and for the purchase of photoduplications, $20,700. Penalty Mail Costs, Library of Congress: For deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail for the Library of Congress as required by section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1944 (Public Law 364), $29,000. LIBRARY BUILDINGS Salaries: For the superintendent and other personal services, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, including special and temporary services and special services of regular employees in connection with the custody, care, and maintenance of the Library Buildings in the discretion of the Librarian (not exceed- ing $750) at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $495,000. For mail, delivery, including maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, telephone services, rubber boots, rubber coats, and other special clothing for employees, uniforms for guards, and elevator conductors, medical supplies, equipment, and contingent expenses for the emergency room, station- ery, miscellaneous supplies, and all other incidental expenses in connection with the custody and maintenance of the Library Build- ings, $30,000. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TRUST FUND BOARD For any expense of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board not properly chargeable to the income of any trust fund held by the Board, $500. Not to exceed ten positions in the Library of Congress may be exempt from the provisions of section 202 of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1948, but the Librarian shall not make any appointment to any such position until he has ascertained that he cannot secure for such appointment a person in any of the three categories specified in such section 202 who possesses the special quali- fications for the particular position and also otherwise meets the general requirements for employment in the Library of Congress. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WORKING CAPITAL AND CONGRESSIONAL PRINTING AND BINDING To provide the Public Printer with a working capital for the following purposes for the execution of printing, binding, litho- graphing, mapping, engraving, and other authorized work of the 374 [61 STAT.