Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/419

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61 STAT.] 80Tr CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 268-JULY 18, 1947 SEC. 111 . The appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, shall be avail- able for expenses in connection with the transfer to the United States of foreign vessels, including pay, subsistence, transportation, and repatriation of alien crews. SEC. 112. None of the funds appropriated in this Act for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, other than funds for which reimbursement is made hereunder, shall be available for any expenses for care, upkeep, repair, han- dling, and assistance in the sale of any property, material, or equipment subsequent to the date of a declaration of surplus covering such property to a disposal agency, or, if procedures are prescribed whereby declarations of surplus are made at approxi- mately the time of disposal or removal, subsequent to the date of notice by the owning agency to the disposal agency that property has been determined to be surplus and is subject to such procedures. With respect to all such expenses, disposal agencies shall provide reimbursement to the Navy Department, for credit to the appropria- tions from which such expenses would be normally paid and the Navy Department is authorized to apportion, obligate, and expend funds from the several appropriations involved in advance of the reimbursement thereto: Provided, That reimbursement shall not be made for pay and allowances and subsistence of naval and Marine Corps personnel within the numbers appropriated for: Provided further, That advance payments based on the estimated expenses of the Navy Department may be made by any disposal agency: Pro- vided further, That in lieu of ascertaining the direct expenses and the applicable portion of the indirect expenses, the Navy Depart- ment and the disposal agencies may agree on any basis for deter- mining such expenses as will equitably accomplish the purpose of this section. SEC. 113. The transfer of funds as directed in this Act shall not operate to reduce the cash working capital of the Naval Stock Fund below $50,000,000, nor that of the Clothing and Small Stores Fund below $15,000,000. TITLE II-REDUCTIONS IN APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 201. Amounts made available to the Navy Department from appropriations are hereby reduced in the sums hereinafter set forth, such sums to be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treas- ury immediately upon the approval of this Act: NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT Office of the Secretary: "Miscellaneous expenses, Navy, 1946", $2,000,000. Bureau of Naval Personnel: "Instruction, Navy, 1946", $325,000; "Welfare and Recreation, Navy, 1946", $1,250,000; "Naval Reserve, 1946", $12,000,000; "Naval Reserve, 1947", $12,000,000. Bureau of Ships: "Maintenance, Bureau of Ships, 1946", $105,000,000; "Maintenance, Bureau of Ships, 194T', $20,000,000. Bureau of Ordnance: "Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, Navy, 1946", $30,000,000; "Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, Navy, 1947", $7,000,000. 395 Transfer of foreign vessels, etc. Surplus property. Advance payments by disposal agency. Working capital of designated funds. 59 Stat. 202. 59 Stat. 204. 59 Stat. 204 . 59 Stat. 294. 60 Stat. 484 . 59 Stat. 205. 60 Stat. 485. 59 Stat. 206 . 60 Stat. 485 .