Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/436

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412 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 301-JULY 23, 1947 [61 STAT. transferred from those bureaus to the Coast Guard by Execu- 50U. s .C .app.§601 tive Order 9083, dated February 28, 1942 (7 F. R. 1609), and n60Stat. 1097. by Reorganization Plan Numbered 3, effective July 16, 1946 (11 5 U. S.C. §l33y-16 note. . F. R . 7875). Precedence in rank. SEC. 7. Appointees under sections 5 and 6 shall take precedence with other officers in their respective ranks in accordance with the dates of commission in such ranks. Appointees whose dates of com- mission are the same shall take precedence with each other as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine. Appointees who, during any period of World War II, served temporarily as commissioned officers, chief warrant officers, or warrant officers of the Coast Guard, or as commissioned officers, chief warrant officers, or warrant officers who were regular members of the Coast Guard Reserve on active duty, shall take precedence with other officers in their respective ranks under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Extranumbers. SEC. 8 . Included in the two thousand two hundred and fifty com- missioned officers authorized by section 1 of this Act shall be four hundred and fifty-three extra numbers to which the President is authorized to appoint, pursuant to the provisions of this Act, only the personnel described in category (6) of section 3. In the event that any person from among the personnel eligible to fill such extra numbers does not qualify, or who, being qualified does not accept a commission, the extra numbers not so filled shall be reserved pending the separation of such persons from the Coast Guard by retirement, transfer, resignation, death, or other cause. Upon such separation, each vacancy so reserved, and each vacancy created by the unavail- ability for appointment of personnel described in category (6) of section 3, or by the retirement, resignation death, or other separa- tion from the active military service of the Coast Guard of personnel described in category (6) of section 3 who are commissioned pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall increase by one the authorized number of line officers, and decrease by one the authorized number of extra numbers. SEO. 9. Any person described in category (6) of section 3 who is commissioned pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall be an extra Emtgibility for pro- number in any rank to which he may be promoted. He shall be eligi- ble for promotion, if otherwise qualified, at such time as the regular line officer who is his running mate becomes eligible for promotion, and shall be examined only with respect to those qualifications which per- tain to his specialty. ourther examina- SEc. 10. No person described in category (6) of section 3, category (7) of section 5, or category (5) of section 6 shall be required to undergo further professional, physical, or mental examinations as a prerequisite to original commissionig, appointment, or enlistment pursuant to this Act, and the physical standards for such personnel while serving in the Regular Coast Guard shall not be greater than those applicable generally to civilian employees under civil-service laws and regulations. lComputaterioen of SEc. 11. In computing length of service for purposes of retirement retirement. of a person.described in category (6) of section 3, category (7) of sec- tion 5, or category (5) of section 6 who is commissioned, appointed, or enlisted pursuant to the provisions of this Act, there shall be included, in addition to all service now or hereafter creditable by law, all service as a civilian employee of the United States within the 4 Stat. 614 . purview of the Act of May 22, 1920, as amended (5 U. S. C. 691 and 453 p. 135;o, the following), such service to be classified as commissioned, warrant or enlisted depending upon which status the person assumes upon his entry into the Regular Coast Guard. Service covering the same period shall not be counted more than once.