Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/455

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61 STAT.] SOTHI CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 324 -JULY 25, 1947 and alterations of the present building, and treatment of grounds, $310,000, and the contract authorization of said addition specified in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, is hereby increased to $814,000: Provided,That not to exceed $18,210 of the amount herein appropriated may be transferred to the credit of the appropriation account "Office of Municipal Architect, construction services", and be available for the preparation of plans and specifications for said addition, and the amount appropriated in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1946, for an addition to the Taft Junior High School is hereby made available for the construction of the addition specified herein; For the preparation of plans and specifications for a new senior high- school building to replace the present Armstrong Senior High School building, including recreation facilities and treatment of grounds, to be constructed at a total cost of not to exceed $2,505,000 on a site owned by the District of Columbia in Brentwood Park, $75,150, which amount may be credited to the appropriation account "Office of Munic- ipal Architect, construction services", and the availability for the expenditure of the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $32,760 for the preparation of plans and specifications for an addition to the Armstrong Senior High School, contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1947, Public Law 493, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session, is hereby rescinded; For completion of three classrooms on the second floor of the Bunker Hill Elementary School, and necessary improvements and alterations of the present building, $25,000; For the preparation of plans and specifications for an eight-room addition to the Payne Elementary School, including an assembly hall- gymnasium, recreation facilities, and necessary remodeling of the present building, to be constructed at a total cost not to exceed $498,000 including treatment of grounds, $14,940, which amount may be credited to the appropriation account "Office of Municipal Architect, construc- tion services"; For beginning construction of an eight-room addition to the Young Elementary School, including necessary remodeling of the present building and treatment of grounds, $150,000, and the Com- missioners are authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for such addition at a total cost not to exceed $305,000: Provided,That not to exceed $9,150 of the amount herein appropriated may be trans- ferred to the credit of the appropriation account "Office of Munici- pal Architect, construction services", and be available for the prep- aration of plans and specifications for said addition; For the preparation of plans and specifications for an eight-room addition to the Syphax Elementary School, including necessary remodeling of the present building, to be constructed at a total cost not to exceed $305,000, including treatment of grounds, $9,150, which amount may be credited to the appropriation account "Office of Municipal Architect, construction services"; For the preparation of plans and specifications for a new junior high-school building to replace the present Shaw Junior High- School Building, including recreation facilities and treatment of grounds, to be constructed at a total cost of not to exceed $1,808,000, on a site owned by the District of Columbia, at Seventh and O Streets Northwest, $54,240, which amount may be credited to the appropriation account "Office of Municipal Architect, construction services", and the availability for the expenditure of the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $5,250 for the preparation of plans and specifications for a new auditorium at the Shaw Junior High School, and for the conversion of the present auditoriums into two 431 59 Stat. 643. 59 Stat. 276. 60 Stat. 506. Availability of funds rescinded.