Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/458

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PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 324-JULY 25, 1947 Prevention and de- tection of crime. Maintenance of public order, etc. Advances. Ante, p. 244. Ante, p. 2S4. matches, including tuition and entrance fees; $2,500 for expenses of the police training school, including travel expenses of visiting lec- turers or experts in criminology; police equipment and repairs to same; insignia of office, uniforms, and other official equipment, includ- ing cleaning, alteration, and repair of articles transferred from one individual to another, or damaged in the performance of duty; purchase of passenger motor vehicles; expenses of harbor patrol; and the maintenance of a suitable place for the reception and detention of girls and women over seventeen years of age, arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Colum- bia, or held as witnesses or held pending final investigation or examination, or otherwise; $5,900,000, of which amount $16,000 shall be exclusively available for expenditure by the Superintendent of Police for prevention and detection of crime, under his certificate, approved by the Commissioners, and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended. For expenses necessary to enable the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to maintain public order and protect life and property in said District during the period of public recognition extended to returning military or naval personnel or visiting dignitaries, including the cost of removing and relocating streetcar loading platforms, roping of streets, erection of stands, printing of signs, and operation of temporary comfort stations, $10,000: Provided, That the certificate of the Commissioners shall be sufficient voucher for the expenditure of $2,000 of this appropriation for such purposes as they may deem necessary. Capital outlay, Metropolitan Police: For the construction of a police precinct station house, including equipment, on land to be acquired by the District of Columbia in square 5083, $174,000. The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the Superintendent of Police upon the approval of the Commissioners, sums of money to be used in the prevention and detec- tion of crime, the total of such advancements not to exceed $5,000 at any one time. FIRE DEPARTMENT For expenses necessary for the Fire Department, including pay and allowances; uniforms and other official equipment, including clean- ing. alteration, and repair of articles transferred from one individual to another, or damaged in the performance of duty; purchase of passenger motor vehicles; repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds; $3,644,400, of which not to exceed $77,000 may be expended for maintenance and operation of the fire-alarm system: Provided,That the Commissioners, in their discretion, may authorize the construction, in whole or in part, of fire-fighting apparatus in the Fire Department repair shop. Capital outlay, Fire Department: For the acquisition of sites for fire-engine houses in the vicinity of Forty-ninth and East Capitol Streets Southeast and in the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and Irving Streets Southeast, and for the purchase of fire-alarm systems, $114,600, to remain available until expended. POLICEMEN'S AND FIREMEN'S RELIEF For policemen's and firemen's relief and other allowances as author- ized by law, $2,300,000. 434 [61 STAT.