Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/460

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436 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 324-JULY 25, 1947 [61 STAT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Operating expenses, Health Department (excluding hospitals) : For expenses necessary for the general administration, medical services, laboratories, and inspection services of the Health Department, includ- ing the enforcement of the Acts relating to the prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases in the District of Colum- bia; the maintenance of tuberculosis and venereal-disease clinics and dispensaries; the conduct of hygiene and sanitation work in schools; the maintenance of a dental-health service; the maintenance of a maternal and child-health service; housekeeping assistance in cases of authentic indigent sick at salary rates to be fixed by the Commis- sioners; the maintenance of a service for the care of handicapped and X-ray survey. crippled children; the conducting of a mass X-ray tuberculosis survey; the establishment of a cancer control project; the maintenance of a public health engineering service; the maintenance of a nursing serv- ice; the maintenance of a psychiatric service; the maintenance of an emergency ambulance service; the operation and maintenance of laboratories; out-patient relief of the poor, including medical and surgical supplies, artificial limbs, and pay of physicians at rates to be fixed by the Commissioners, and the enforcement of the Acts relating to the drainage of lots and abatement of nuisances in the District of Columbia, the Act relating to the adulteration of foods, drugs, and candy, the Act relating to the manufacture and sale of mattresses, the Act relating to the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adul- terated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medi- cines, and liquors, and the Act relating to the sale of milk, cream, and ice cream; such expenses to include one physician at $5,905 per annum to be appointed without regard to civil-service laws; contract investi- gational service; uniforms; rent; purchase of passenger motor vehicles; aneutomobie a manufacture of serum in indigent cases; and allowances for privately owned automobiles used for the performance of official duties (not to exceed $264 per annum for each automobile for employees other than dairy-farm inspectors and not to exceed $312 per annum for each Volunteer services. automobile for dairy-farm inspectors); $2,042,000: Provided, That the Commissioners may, without creating any obligation for the pay- ment of money on account thereof, accept such volunteer services as they may deem expedient in connection with the establishment and servicesmaintenance of the medical services herein provided for: Provided special servs. further, That not to exceed $200 may be expended for special services in detecting adulteration of drugs and foods, including candy and milk. Operating expenses, Glenn Dale Tuberculosis Sanatorium: For expenses necessary for the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Glenn Dale, Maryland, including compensation of consulting physicians at rates to be fixed by the Commissioners; rental and purchase of busses and an ambulance; classroom supplies; and repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds; $1,600,000, of which not to exceed $5,000 shall be for the compensation of convalescent patients to be employed in essential work of the sanatorium and as an aid to their rehabilitation at rates and under conditions to be determined by the Commissioners; but nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as conferring employee status on patients whose services are so utilized. Operating expenses, Gallinger Municipal Hospital: For expenses necessary for Gallinger Municipal Hospital and the Tuberculosis Hospital at Fourteenth and Upshur Streets Northwest including one superintendent at $9,975 per annum plus $1,500 per annum for a residence; one deputy superintendent at $7,581 per annum; not to exceed five full-time chief medical officers at $7,581 per annum each and two associate medical officers at $5,905 per annum each, to be